“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Edmund Burke
Thank you for your patience as we slowly and safely transition back to our traditional class schedule. Class sizes are limited in order to ensure safe-distancing and individual equipment usage. Please reserve classes and open gym before coming! And, if you must, please cancel as early as possible to allow someone else to come.
- Strong is back on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9A – 10:30A
- SuperF!T (Diablo F!T) is now MWF at 8A
- Open Gym ends at 7:30P M-F and 1:30P/2P on Sat & Sun
100,000 METER CHALLENGE IS ON AT DIABLO .. AGAIN. 100KMC Team Captain Katya Hoogerhuis is rallying the charge for participating in this “fun” challenge that begins the day after Thanksgiving and ends on Christmas eve. If you accept the challenge you must accumulate 100,000 meters on a rower, bike, running or ski erg. The cool part is that if you participate every day, it’s only about 3,000 meters per day. If you delay, you’ll have some big numbers ahead of you.
Why should you participate?:
- You probably have no other goals during the holidays, except to survive them!
- 100KMC is giving away T-Shirts and Patches for different levels of achievement. (1st time!!)
- Your registration fee goes to a charity of your choice – and there’s lots of options.
- Katya will be organizing “drive-in” movie nights and other events to keep us in the game!
- Diablo gets bragging rights if we kick ass.
Register NOW and it costs a little less.
Our 1 week 1 workout event was a success. We tested new registration & scoring software and, after we worked out a couple bugs, we loved it. Thank you, Throwdowns.com and our athletes from around the world. Check out the leaderboard for Summer Smash. And congratulations to our Summer Smash winners (workout: 20.2 repeat).
- Women Tall: Kirsten Kline 9:45.4 – US
- Women Standard: Laura Tingle 10:12.9 – US
- Men Tall: Jason Marshall 8:15.8 – CA
- Men Standard: George Harrison 8:40.7 EN
Next up: Row’d Royalty 2021 begins in January and we’re going BIG TIME! Concept 2 is onboard as a premiere sponsor. Prize money will be growing. More prizes $ for Masters Athletes.. And more. Follow us on IG for more info @rowdroyalty.
THIS WEEK’S WORKOUTS (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon – Gymnastics Test HS Hold. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 Pullups, 15 S2OH (75/115), 18 BJ
- Tue – AMRAP18: 50/60c Row, 40Situps, 30 Push-ups, 15 HPower Cleans (105/155)
- Wed – Front Squat. Metcon: 21-15-9 Thruster (55/75), Bike.
- Thu – AMRAP23m: 35 DUs, 15 Pull-Ups, 10S2OH (95/135), 400m Run, Rest 1m
- Fri – Hang Power Clean. Metcon: 3RFT: 12 DBH Sq Snatch, 9 Burpees, 6 SPullups
- Sat – 3RFT: 20/30c Bike, 8 HSPU, 12T2B, 16 Pistols
- E5MOMx4: Buy-in-200m MedBall Run. Then, 5MUps, 10DL, 15WBall, 16 Pistols
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about):
Fitness has never been more important than right now. We know fitness increases immunity strength. And, here’s a couple more reasons:
- Rhonda Patrick Tweet: Small Study Finds Link With Obesity And Impaired Brain Function – A world-first study has found that severely overweight people are less likely to be able to re-wire their brains and find new neural pathways, a discovery that has significant implications for people recovering from a stroke or brain injury.
- The Army Is Rolling Out A New Fitness Test: Will It Hold Back Women? – Washington Post – “An Army initiative to create a stronger, fitter fighting force has yielded a dramatic gender gap…Recent figures show that 54 percent of female soldiers failed the new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), ..compared with 7 percent of men during the second quarter of 2020.”
TOM TALKS (The Old Man).. Just some thoughts in my head:
The Biggest Limitations To Weight Loss IMO: MC. EC. A/SD. P.
- MC: Morning Carbs. Think of fat as your reserve gas tank. If your primary tank is always full of gas, you’ll never burn your reserve gas.
- EC: Evening Carbs. Most people eat carbs in the evening out of boredom or irrational cravings. Try substituting with berries or protein.
- A/SD: Alcohol & Sugar Drinks (including coffee sweetners). Cut these and you’ll likely start your weight loss immediately. Both are junk calories.
P: Get more protein in your diet! Most people, especially those who workout, are protein deficient. It’s ok to supplement here. 1g per kg of body weight is a good place to start.
Make it an awesome week!