Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Dynamic Warmup: Minute 0 – 20

  • Coaches’ Choice Group Dynamic Warm Up

Strength: Minute 21 – 40

Back Squat: 6 sets of 6 reps at 70-75%

Coach notes:

  • This is a “high-bar” back squat.
  • We are starting a new strength cycle this week. The cycle starts light for a lot of reps. This is a good time to focus on your depth and keeping your chest up.
  • NO BOX OR BENCH SQUATS! If you need a target, use a wallball on a bumper plate – ask your coach.
  • Practice your setup (sequencing the hips, core & breath) between your reps in every set.
  • If you have no idea what your max back squat is, then the goal for today is to find a weight that challenges your positioning after 4 reps. Talk to the coach. Once you find the weight, complete an additional 3-5 sets of 6 reps at that weight or 5-10 lbs heavier.

Workout: Minute 41 – 60

Complete as many rounds possible in 10 minutes:

  • 6 High-Target Wall Ball #14-10′ / #20-11′ (New Movement!)
  • 100m Med Ball Run
  • 8 Russian KB Swings 53/70#  (M55: #35/53)

Coach notes:

  • This 10-minute AMRAP will be fast. The goal is to keep everything unbroken.  
  • High WB: The goal is to shoot to a higher target than usual. The reps are low so hang onto the ball and jump it to the target.
  • Medball Run: Hang on to the ball how every you want. You may try the slam ball for this workout, but you have to use the same ball for the WB Shots.
  • Russian KB Swings: This should be a heavy swing. Focus on keeping your shoulders back and down to keep the KB from swinging over your head.

Diablo Strong

  • Cluster 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 (strong effort)
  • Power Clean 4×2 @ 70-75% C&J
  • Clean Pull + Floating Clean Pull 3x(1+2) @ 75-80% C&J
  • Front Squat 4×3 @ 75-80% FS
  • Pause Jerk 4×2 @ 70-75% of C&J max
    • Pause 2 seconds at the bottom of the dip.
    • Keep feet flat and knees on the dip
    • Do not double dip, otherwise dip a tad lower