Diablo's Totally UnOfficial Turkey Trot 2019
WHEN: Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov 28 – 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
WHERE: Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez (Concord Ave exit on HWY680)
WEAR: Layers & trail shoes. It starts cool and warms up.
BRING: Family, friends, dogs & water. (We’ll have coffee!)
Diablo’s Totally Un-official Turkey Trot has been an annual tradition since 2007. We mimic traditional Turkey Trots with a CrossFit-style trail run that includes traditional CrossFit bodyweight movements.
Hidden Lakes Park is a beautiful, clean park with multiple lakes and lots of trails hidden in the hills just above DVC. There is a very nice soccer field and track as well as a cool playground for kids. There are also bathrooms.
Join us for this annual celebration of Diablo community on Thanksgiving day!