Email Fail. Stronger. Not Special. Turkey Trot! Holiday Hours. Saved on my IG 😆🤯🥺 TWA 11.20.23

The reason for my email delay: our new Elevated Platform. Received several requests from our lifters for a “softer” landing. Added two layers of plywood to reduce wear & tear and.. sound. Started Saturday after classes, finished late Sunday night. Ready for action on Monday AM!

“Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit, but it’s what you do at that moment that determines who you are.” David Goggins

PERSONAL NOTE: My apologies for sending this one a day late. Thank you to everyone who reached out! It actually made me feel good that people enjoy reading my content. This weekend was a blur for me – grinding to get the Oly platforms ready for Monday. I grossly underestimated the project time & repeat trips to Home Depot. But, based on early feedback – it was totally worth it.

DIABLO’S 13TH ANNUAL “TOTALLY UNOFFICIAL THANKSGIVING TURKEY TROT” will be held at Hidden Lakes Park in Martinez starting at 8:30AM! We’ll be doing our “Turkey Ruck” – so, if you want a little extra, bring a ruck sack, weighted back pack or weight vest and plan on a 30-40m workout. The weather will be perfect!  Also: friends and family are encouraged to join us. We’ll have a “Stroller” Version for parents with children. We’ll meet at the kids playground next to the soccer field. This is a really cool park with lots of trails that loop back to the main park. It’s only 1.25 mi. East of 680 on Chilpancingo.  WATCH THE PREVIEW VIDEO!

“YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL”  – This week’s editorial message comes from my good friend & fellow affiliate owner, Tim Dymmel (CF Palo Alto). He started a weekly email a month ago and is writing some killer content. Loved this one, so I thought I’d share: 

We were outside under the tents in front of CFPA in late 2020 or early 2021. 12pm class on a Tuesday or Thursday. Rob C. asked me to define CrossFit Palo Alto’s essence. Basically, to give an elegant description of our gym, community and ethos. I said, I didn’t know. Jonathan or Johannes piped in, “I know! ‘You’re not special.’”

Special: Someone/thing better or more important than other people or things.

We all laughed. And I loved it. None of us are special. Henry Rollins said, “The iron never lies to you… two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.” I find it refreshing to be reminded that a standard is the same for everyone. Standards can be a foundation to build a life, relationships and a business. Let’s dig in a little as to how this applies to CFPA.

We discuss in the Intro Class that we all have the same needs. These needs vary by degree, not by kind. That means we all need to be able to pick things up, carry things, put things overhead, squat down and getting back on our feet after lowering ourselves to the ground (burpee). I call them the Big Five of Basic Human Needs.

One of my favorite things about CrossFit is the universal movement prescription these Big Five represent. Since we all have these same needs, everyone can do the Workout of The Day. We may have to modify the weight, reps, range of motion, etc. but we can find a way to include everyone in the group that is doing the workout. Modifying the workout may be unique to us, but it doesn’t make anyone better or more important. Take notice of the whiteboard on the wall. There are often times very few Rx scores/times. That means the majority of people are modifying the workout. This is great since it’s one more way we can relate to others. I believe it’s in this relating that makes a CrossFit class, and the subsequent gym, great. 

I celebrate that you and I are not special. As such, we can delight in the idea that we can all be “not special” together. We all have A LOT going on in our lives. We all have demands that listing them would be a cure for insomnia. At CFPA, we appreciate your demands, schedules, etc. and believe a high standard produces high performance. Basically, “You deserve what you tolerate.” – Ramon Colon-Lopez

In application to the gym culture at CFPA, if someone is not in the room and ready to start when the warmup begins at :05 past the hour, the buy-in is 20 burpees. Like The Mandolorian says, “This is the way.” It’s not a punishment. There’s no shame intended. It is merely a way to ensure that you get some sort of standardized warmup before joining the ongoing class. A simple standard can set the tone for the gym. Punctuality is a low cost form of respect for the coach, the other members of the class, the gym and especially, yourself.

The above merely scratches the surface of my thoughts on “specialness”. In essence, none of us are special. And it’s awesome. I love knowing that I can relate to others going through similar things in life while coming together in one place to experience each other. And that, dare I say it, makes our CFPA community… unique.

TWEET OF THE WEEK:  A vigorous walk 1st thing in the morning with no phone or earbuds is an incredibly mind-opening experience. Add nature for even more enlightenment. Try it. You will be amazed by your thoughts and mood change.


  • M-W & F: Last Class 6:30P. 
  • Friday: First Class 8AM
  • Sat/Sun: No changes
  • Teen Strong:  MWF at 12P

Nov Focus: Front Squat & Deadlift. Skill: Endurance Conditioning
Nov: Calendar & Newsletter.   


Saved On IG – When I learn something cool, or laugh really hard, or even tear up – I save it. Here’s a few recent saves: 

Make it an awesome week!
