“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill
THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE, WHO DO YOU IDENTIFY AS? Leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, and achieving a high level of fitness requires a great deal of self-discipline in order to adhere to healthy habits: proper nutrition, frequent daily movement, and exercise – especially during the holidays! Adherence is made easier with supportive family & friends, especially if they are like-minded – like the community at a CrossFit gym. In fact, for most longterm transformational cases, successful weight-loss maintainers (and drug & alcohol addicts) indicate that they had to develop a “new identity” in order to maintain healthy habits, including finding new friends, new places to eat & socialize, and of course, new places to exercise.
In the Huberman podcast below, Layne Norton PhD, told the amazing story of the actor, Ethan Suplee who weighed 550lbs and now weighs a ripped 230lbs. He said that Ethan told him that “I had to develop a new identity” in order to make longterm changes. He identifies as a bodybuilder. His Instagram posts of his workouts start with “I killed my clone today”. In 2012, CrossFit & Sevan Mattossian brilliantly documented this same weight loss experience with CrossFitter Gary Roberts – and titled the video “Killing The Fatman”.
Most of our longterm members identify as “CrossFitters” or “Fitness enthusiasts” who make exercise and healthy nutrition a lifestyle. It is who we are. And it helps us maintain our health & fitness in today’s busy, stress-filled world with easy access to calorie dense food and drinks. We prioritize fitness & healthy nutrition because it is WHO we are.
So, if you’re struggling to make nutritional changes or maintain your workouts & daily walks, you may need to “kill your clone” and create a healthy new identity. It will not be easy – new habits, new friends, and new place guarantee that daily battles will ensue. Being a part of a CrossFit gym community will certainly help. And, when temptation creeps in during the holidays, don’t forget who you are. (Need a reminder: check out these 50 Truths)
TEEN TRIALS DATE CHANGE! PRsAllDay has rescheduled their inaugural Teen Trials CrossFit competition to Sunday, January 22, 2023 in order to show support for the CrossFit Spartan Race partnership event on Dec 3 (details below).
SPARTAN CROSSFIT DEC 3 AT ORACLE PARK – FREE FOR AFFILIATE MEMBERS! CrossFit is partnering with Spartan Race on Saturday, Dec. 3 for a 5K run + 20 obstacles at Oracle Park. This invite is a no cost entry for the affiliate owners and their members. CrossFit CEO Don Faul and Dave Castro will be participating. Kids can join in on the fun, too. There will be half-mile and 1-mile races, plus obstacles, so bring the whole family!
- 5K Registration (enter Diablo CrossFit as your Affiliate Association)
- Kids Registration
2022 100KMC CHALLENGE IS BACK DEC 1-31! Our Annual 100,000 Meter Challenge is back with lower pricing and new dates! Coach Chad & Surita are Co-Captains this year, leading the effort to put Diablo on top of the leaderboard again for participating gyms / clubs.
- The Goal: in the month of December, you must accumulate 100,000 meters via rowing, running, swimming, walking or rucking. See the 100kmc website for credit weighting.
- The Cost: $10. Register at 100kmc.com
- The Charity: 100KMC is a charity event supporting “Carry The Load”, dedicated to providing funds for organizations supporting the health & wellness of veterans.
- The Why: For veterans. And, December is a month of indulgence. The 100KMC is a great way to keep your fitness & endurance on track and it’s a ton of fun getting together with Diablo members at the group 100KMC events.
- The Fun: Chad & Surita have a bunch of events planned for the 100KM this year, including movie nights & Sunday morning movies. Updates posted to the Diablo member FB group.
- Wed 11/23: Last class at 5:30P.
- Thu 11/24: Closed – Turkey Ruck – Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez
- Fri 11/25: First class 8AM. Last class 5:30P.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: We do not sell you the destination, we help you fall in love with the journey.
THE WEEK AHEAD: Check SugarWod For Daily Workouts – November Calendar & Newsletter
- Mon: HS Practice. Metcon: E3MOMx3 – 20/30c Row, 5 BMU, 8 PP, Rest 1m, then 3RFT – 20/30c Row, 3BMU, 5PP. 75/115#)
- Tue: FS. Metcon: Amrap 6m – 12 BJ, 9 KB Swing, 6 Goblet Lunges. #35/53
- Wed: 1RM Hang Snatch. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 HPS, 9 OHS, 6 Lat. Burpee over bar. #65/95
- Thu: TURKEY RUCK – Hidden Lakes Park in Martinez 8:30A! Ruck sack, weight vest or loaded backpack #20/30. (Check out our GORUCK promo video!)
- Fri: Deadlift Deload. Metcon: 5RFT – 6 DB PC, 8 DB STOH, 10DB FS. #35/50
- Sat: FT – 40/50c Bike, 30 T2B, 40 Burpee over Box, 30 T2B, 40/50c Bike
- Sun: E4MOMx4 (+1m Rest) – Buy In: 200m Run. Then, Amrap – 4 Chin Ups, 8 HSPU, 12 Pistols
50 Truths You Must Accept – to become healthy.
Gadget: 8 Sleep Mattress Cover – Just purchased this at the recommendation of multiple friends! The 8 sleep regulates the temperature of the bed and is fully customizable, including separate settings for both sides of the bed. Many sleep experts recommend that deep sleep is best achieved with a cool surface (or, not hot). The 8 Sleep cover allows for a warm surface when you get into bed, and then slowly cools the mattress as you enter deep sleep. In the morning, at a time that you set, the bed warms to provide a more natural (and easier) wake up. Yvonne & I are only 1 night in, so I’ll give more updates over the next few weeks.
Article: Early Birds For The Win – Apparently the AM’rs are getting more benefit than the rest of us. But, here’s a solution: if you can’t wod early, just go for a walk or jog – or even, take the stairs at work in the AM.
Podcast: CrossFit Games Rulebook Review! This is a great episode breaking down the most significant changes to the 2023 CrossFit Games season: qualifying requirements, affiliate teams, affiliate judging, etc. Chase Ingram talks with Games Communications Director Becky Harsh about the new rulebook & rules.
Podcast: Huberman Podcast #97: Dr Layne Norton: The Science of Eating for Health, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle. Repeat post from last week! Bookmark this one and listen to it multiple times.
Make it an awesome week!