“Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking.” James Clear
STARVE CANCER. BUILD BONES, END DEPRESSION, IMPROVE MEMORY, ENHANCE IMMUNITY, AND CURE CHRONIC DISEASE… (oh yah, and lose weight & feel better). How? Exercise. Even better: CrossFit.
There is an incredible amount of clinical data demonstrating the powerful, positive impact of regular daily exercise on human health. I’ve attached a few recent ones in my “Craig’s List” this week. The most mind-blowing one, “High Intensity Exercise Starves Cancer” triggered this rant: EXERCISE IS THE DRUG WE ALL NEED, but many of us are unwilling to take.
The health care industry is not incentivized nor motivated to prescribe exercise. This is a fact. Pharma directly benefits from sickness. Chronic diseases are overwhelmingly the largest cause of death in the US. 70% of annual deaths (1.7 million people!) are attributable to chronic disease, including diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and hypertension. Prescriptions treat the symptoms and surgeons repair the damage caused by chronic disease.
The ONLY preventative medicine for the leading cause of death in our country is exercise and healthy nutrition. If you’re reading this email, you likely know this. And, you’re most likely taking action to prevent or fight chronic disease. So how can we influence change in the healthcare industry to promote and provide assistant for preventative care? Unfortunately, very little.
But, we can influence people around us with our actions and our words. Talk about your fitness journey, your nutrition strategy, and your health with your family and friends. If your health markers improve, let people know! If you make strength & endurance gains at the gym, tell your friends. If you’re able to do more because of your fitness and nutrition, tell your family and friends. Be a role model. And let them make the decision to start their own personal journey.
Stay the course. Together we are the beacons of hope for the future of healthcare. And repeat often, CrossFit cures chronic disease.
2022 TURKEY RUCK More than 120 members, family (and doggos!) completed the 2.1 mile Turkey Ruck Obstacle Course at Hidden Lakes Park in Martiinez. Thank you to everyone who joined us. If you completed the course – stroller or single track – make sure you get your official 2022 Turkey Ruck Patch! Stop by the front desk if you didn’t get one yet.
DIABLO HOLIDAY BASH DEC 23 – RSVP NOW! After a 2 year hiatus, our annual Holiday Party is BACK! Every year for the last 10 years, Diablo puts on an amazing holiday bash for our community. This year we’ll be at the Back Forty BBQ grill – with a great food, an open bar and dancing. Get your tickets on the Diablo app or, click here.
SPARTAN CROSSFIT DEC 3 AT ORACLE PARK – FREE FOR AFFILIATE MEMBERS! CrossFit is partnering with Spartan Race on Saturday, Dec. 3 for a 5K run + 20 obstacles at Oracle Park. This invite is a no cost entry for the affiliate owners and their members. CrossFit CEO Don Faul and Dave Castro will be participating. Kids can join in on the fun, too. There will be half-mile and 1-mile races, plus obstacles, so bring the whole family!
- 5K Registration (enter Diablo CrossFit as your Affiliate Association)
- Kids Registration
2022 100KMC CHALLENGE IS BACK DEC 1-31! Our Annual 100,000 Meter Challenge is back with lower pricing and new dates! Coach Chad & Surita are Co-Captains this year, leading the effort to put Diablo on top of the leaderboard again for participating gyms / clubs. The Cost: $10. Register at 100kmc.com
TWEET OF THE WEEK: The fastest way to cancel a Pharma subscription is to exercise and eat healthy.
THE WEEK AHEAD: Check SugarWod For Daily Workouts
- December Focus: Deadlift (Primary). Overhead Squat (Secondary). HSPU & Rope Climb (Skills)
- Mon: Deadlift. Metcon: 3RFT – 15 KB Swings, 250/300m Row.
- Tue: SB Getups. Metcon: 4RFT – 200m Run, 12 Pull ups, 35 DUs
- Wed: HS Skills. Metcon: 3xE2MOM (2m rest) – 6 HSC+4 Strict HSPU; 4HSC+8 Kip HSPU; 2HSC+12BFB
- Thu: 5RFT – 12/18c Airbike, 2 Rope Climbs, 100m DBFC, 8 DBFR Lunge
- Fri: OHS. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 5BMU, 20 Air Squats, 50 DUs
- Sat: 3xEMOM for Reps – L-Sit (secs), DB Snatch, Burpee over box, Row cals., Rest
- Sun: 800m Run, 9 Strict Press #65/95, 600m Run, 15 PP #75/115, 400m Run, 21 STOH #95/135, 200m Run
- Where The Crawdads Sing (repost) – it’s on Netflix now and its outstanding – based on the best selling book. This one will surprise you.
- The Wonder – Cool period piece (Ireland 1862) about an English nurse tasked to validate a child’s miracle fast in Ireland.
- Black Summer – Yvonne loves this scary zombie sh*t. Really interesting perspective for a zombie theme.
- Ancient Apocalypse – 8 episode documentary featuring archeological historian Graham Hancock (one of my favs). Hancock makes a strong case for the previous existence of an advanced ancient civilization (12,000+ yrs) that was likely wiped out by a series of massive meteor strikes. Very foreboding.
CrossFit Cures Chronic Disease
- High Intensity Exercise Starves Cancer – Rhonda Patrick PhD – A new study found that high-intensity aerobic exercise reduced the risk of metastatic cancer by 73%. (Study Link)
- SuperAgers Move & Socialize More – ‘SuperAgers’ with superior memories into their 80s stay active physically. They tend to be positive. They challenge their brain every day, many continue to work into their 80s, and they are social butterflies, surrounded by family and friends.
- Weightlifting Builds Bone Density – 73yo man squats 450lbs. His bone density z-score measures 5.2 – a very healthy score for someone in their 30’s.
- Exercise Is The Best Anti-Depressant – According to the data of three meta-analyses, exercise improves, is better than usual care, can keep up with and improve anti-depressant drugs.
Critical Thinking – Electric Cars, Basic Math & Physics (personally, I think hydrogen fuel cells will be the best tech)
Simply Amazing (not sure if I shared this yet)
Make it an awesome week!