Our Wednesday Coaches meeting came to a Dead end. #strongertogether
“The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying.” John C. Maxwell
We all know many of the benefits of exercise especially the positive impact on health and overall lifestyle. We feel better and move better and are likely healthier. Now, more and more evidence is starting to surface validating the incredibly positive impact of CrossFit style training: constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity. Skeptics have often criticized CrossFit for its intensity and strength training components but recently published data exonerates and endorses intermittent, high intensity exercise as well as strength training. Three of my favorite MD/PhD influencers talk about these studies and the benefits of intensity & muscle in recent video posts & podcasts:
- High intensity training improves longevity (& VO2max) more than any other cardiorespiratory exercise
- High intensity training improves brain function & cognition likely offsetting dementia
- Muscle mass and strength are key indicators for longevity
- Adding strength training improves cardiovascular endurance training benefits
CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity. Functional strength training is a foundational component of our workouts, especially at Diablo where we follow monthly progressions created by Coach Jamie Lee (@prsallday / www.prsallday.com). As we get stronger & as we increase our V02 max with intensity, we increase our lifespan. That’s pretty damn cool. Nevermind that we look & feel better.
Finally the beauty of CrossFit is that it is scalable for everyone at any age. And the benefits apply no matter when you start – just check out Annie, who started CrossFit at age 89
FBB IS BACK! (For 4 Weeks) Beginning this week, Functional Bodybuilding – OG Style – will be back on the schedule on Tuesday & Thursday evening at 6:30 PM. This is going to be an intense bodybuilding/hypertrophy session with an additional focus on complimentary accessory work for CrossFit. Guarantees: an awesome pump and absolutely no running. Coach: The Ol’ Man.
- Why!: Come hang out with your crew, meet other time zone members, and relax with your coaches! We’ll also announce our 2023 Tom Jones Award winner, have some music & dancing!
- When: Dec 16th at 6:30PM – 10PM
- Where: Back Forty Texas BBQ & Saloon in Pleasant Hill!
- Who: Members & Guests!
- RSVP: $45pp: All the damn good BBQ you can eat and a drink or two on us! Reserve on the app, or just write it on the tab sheet.
WORST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER: ASSAULT BIKES FOR SALE – We’re selling 8 more Assault Bike Pros. These are like-new bikes purchased in 2021 & 2022. They’ll go pretty quick – so stop by the front desk and reserve yours asap. Diablo community price: $500.
COACH JEN’S MINDSET WEBINAR: Thursday! – Former Diablo Coach Jen Ismar is hosting a free mindset webinar on how our words, language and stories shape everything we have in life including, results with our body. Here’s the link to register!
- Belt Squat: The belt squat machine hides out in the corner of the Strong room. It’s an imposing device that delivers an incredible leg workout with no pressure on the back. Begin with NO weight on the machine. Slip the belt around your waist, stand directly over the cable hole, and attach the cable to the belt. You may have to partially squat to get connected. Once you stand up, you’ll notice the weight holder rise in front of you. Next, grab the safety bar / assist handles and pull them toward you. Now, you can squat as deep as you like with no impediment. When you’re done, just push the handles forward and it will catch the weight.
- Ring Thing: Trying to master the muscle up transition, especially for strict ring muscle ups, is challenging and often involves some sketchy set ups. Coach Chad turned us on to the “Ring Thing” from the Power Monkey crew. It hangs in the main gym right next to the turf. You should only use the Ring Thing if you already have a strict pull up and a coach shows you how it works. Even better: book a PT session with Chad and you’ll get awesome instruction plus some tips and drills for the future.
2024 CHALLENGE COMING: 75 Hard…Diablo Style. No alcohol, walks, journaling, fasting……
TWEET OF THE WEEK: From @crossfit: “People walk into a CrossFit gym thinking they are getting “just a workout,” but they end up with so much more. —Nicole Carroll”
Dec Focus: 1. Deadlift. 2. Overhead Squat. 3. Skill: Handstand Push-up
Dec Newsletter
- Mon: Amrap 20m – 200m Run, 2 Rope Climbs, 200m Run, 8 Toes to Bar
- Tue: OHS. Metcon: FT – 20WB, 12/20c Bike, 15WB, 12/18c Bike, 10WB, 7/12c Bike
- Wed: Deadlift. Metcon: 5RFT – 6 DB Devil Press, 10 FRack Lunge #35/50
- Thu: HSPU. Metcon: 4 RFT – 6 BBJO, 9 KB, 12 ASquat
- Fri: Amrap 18m – 5 RMU, 400m Run, 3 C&J, 2m Rest (#125/185)
- Sat: 5RFT – 250/300m Row, 30 Sit-ups, 250/300m Row, 16 DB Snatch, 1m Rest
- Sun: E3MOMx5 – Buy in: 40 DUs. Then, Amrap: 15 Pull ups, 12 FSquats, 9 PP
Weekly Fun: “The Deadman Drag” – form first.
Technique Video: Bailing The Back Squat! – This is one of the scariest moves, but not too hard for most people. Loved this video from Coach Nicole.
Leave The World Behind – Long movie, excellent cast, suspenseful and will leave you with post-movie frustration and anxiety (casue it’s kinda possible).
May December – Again, a great cast, and an interesting but an uncomfortable subject – based on a true story. Not sure what it is with Netflix’s new releases, but the ending is abrupt.
Make it an awesome week!