CrossFit Saves Lives. Priorities. 100kmc Domination. Day Off? Fecal Matter. TWA 12.12.22

Former felon, homeless person, and drug addict Sarah Wilson, recently got her first bar muscle up at CrossFit PSKC.  #crossfitsaveslives 

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth

SAVING LIVES If you ask me about CrossFit, I’ll probably talk your ear off. It happens a lot, which is kinda crazy to me since I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2004 and running a CrossFit affiliate since 2005. My passion for CrossFit has not waned, but the reasons for my passion have changed over the years. In my first 10 years of CrossFit, I was crazy passionate for how well CrossFit works to improve overall fitness so quickly – with such short workouts. Then, as I headed into my middle 50s, I became obsessed with CrossFit’s ability to reverse chronic disease – including Diabetes T2, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, etc. Through the pandemic, my passion was fueled by CrossFit’s positive affect on mental health and the power of the CF community. And now, my passion thrives on the incredible positive impact CrossFit can have on people who’s lives have been severely impacted by substance abuse or incarceration.  

In the past two months, I have had great conversations with a couple of CrossFit affiliate owners who are dramatically changing lives – literally, saving lives – at their affiliates. Matt Schindledecker, owner of CrossFit Crave, is my good friend and CFG RV neighbor. Matt runs a Juvenile Probation CrossFit Program sponsored by the state of Ohio that has the lowest rate of criminal recidivism in their history! Matt is now setting up similar state-sponsored programs in Chicago (!!) and in Denver. We’re talking about the Bay Area next.  And my friend, Dale King, owner of CrossFit PKSC has dedicated his CrossFit affiliate to providing a life-saving resource for substance abusers (he’s located in opioid ground zero). 

So, today, if you ask me about CrossFit, my eyes will light up and I will tell you how amazing it is. CrossFit is an incredible fitness program. CrossFit cures chronic disease. CrossFit saves lives. 

2022 100KMC – Diablo is crushing it!  We have 3 athletes in the top ten overall including Coach Chad (1st place) with 500k+ meters, Mary Vera (6th) and Carol Wu (10th). Diablo’s awesome team is holding FIRST PLACE with 5.3 million meters.. wtaf? Thank you Diablo Team! Keep logging! 

DEC 23rd – DIABLO HOLIDAY PARTY – COME HANG WITH YOUR DIABLO FAM!  We’ll be at the Back Forty BBQ grill – with a great food, an open bar and dancing. Just write “Xmas Party for 1” (or 2) on the tab sheet in the lobby, or get your tickets on the Diablo app or, click here

TWEET OF THE WEEK: Our ancestors didn’t have to consciously prioritize nutrition, exercise and sleep. We do. Because: readily available calorie-dense foods, artificial lights and environmental stressors.

THE WEEK AHEAD:  December Calendar & Newsletter


Make it an awesome week! 
