“Hey, why is Sandra scaling workouts?”…. Well, now we know. Best news ever! Congratulations Achim & Sandra – we can’t wait to meet Baby Christner!!
“It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love.” Moliere
IF WE HAVEN’T TOLD YOU ALREADY: Thank you for an amazing year of fitness, community, friendship, laughs and love. Diablo is our home and our community is our family. Your PRs, health & life improvements and enduring Diablo friendships are incredibly motivating for me and Yvonne. As a result, we look forward with tremendous excitement to the next awesome year and all of the gains that come with it!
2024 CHALLENGE COMING: 75 Hard…Diablo Style. We’re going to stack habits over 10 weeks, starting a little hard, then easing into more. You’ll be able to track your results on SugarWod every day! Week 1: Go to bed 30 minutes earlier every night.
2024 CHALLENGE EARLY START: Go for a walk every day this week. Leave your devices behind and bring a family member or friend. You’ll clear your mind, lower your cortisol, turn on your glucose furnace and feel amazing after.
TWEET OF THE WEEK:. “CrossFit is still amazing. Visit a CrossFit affiliate, stay a few months and you’ll find out why. At a minimum, your fitness will improve dramatically.”
- Tue 10AM: TBA
- Last Week: Diablo Member Chris McCrary – Cyborg
Dec Focus: 1. Deadlift. 2. Overhead Squat. 3. Skill: Handstand Push-up
Dec Newsletter
- Mon: At Home – SLIPS + 3RFT- 10 HSPUs and 400m Runs
- Tue: Amrap 16m – 25/30c Row, 20 Squats, 10 SA KB Press L&R
- Wed: Deadlift 1RM! Metcon: Tabata Prone Shuttle Runs
- Thu: 3RFT – 400m SB Carry, 2 Rope Climbs, 2m Rest
- Fri: Filthy Fifty!
- Sat: Hang Squat Clean 1RM. Metcon: 5RFT – 250/300m Row 3/5 Ring Dips
- Sun: Partner WOD. Amrap 18m – 12/18c Air Bike, 200m Run, 12 KB Swings
Huberman Lab: Dr. Robert Lustig, MD: How Sugar & Processed Foods Impact Your Health – This is one of the best podcasts I’ve listened to regarding calorie consumption, sugar, obesity, chronic disease crisis, Ozempic et. al., and so much more. Lustig is a neuroendrocrinologist & pediatrician at UCSF. His lecture entitled “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” (14yrs ago!) has more than 24 million views.
Huberman & Lustig:
> YouTube
>Apple Podcast
>SpotifyIf you want to hear a specific topic discussed, jump to the show notes and scroll down!
Enjoy the holiday!