Congratulations to our 11th Annual Tom Jones Award winner, Kim Hilen. The Tom Jones award is presented in recognition of relentless, enthusiastic and loving support of the Diablo CrossFit Community – in honor of Diablo member, Tom Jones (center) who set the standard for “Diablo Love” in 2011. Kim Hilen’s first visit to Diablo was a free class in January 2010. Intimidated (?!), she did not return again until 2011 – and now works for us since 2020. She is part bar tender, motivational coach, psychotherapist and badass athlete. She is also an amazing friend to everyone. Surrounding Kim are recent past winners of the Tom Jones Award: Erika Linden ’20 (left), Tom Jones ’11 (center), Dean Quiambao ’19 (right), Alessandra Pichelli ’21.
“Winners and losers have the same goals.” James Clear
A BETTER GYM. 2022 marked the pinnacle and end of the pandemic and a return to normalcy for our affiliate and community. Yvonne and I are tremendously grateful for the support and love from our members that carried us through to the other side, stronger and better than ever. Thank you. You make us want to be a better gym – every single day – and, you have inspired us to spread our knowledge and experience with CrossFit affiliates around the world.
BUT 1ST: ROW’D ROYALTY! The Open is coming in February, but first: Row’d Royalty. Our annual, 4-week Indoor Rowing competition begins on January 12th. Similar to the CFG Open, we’ll announce one workout a week on Thursdays and you’ll have until Monday to complete it. This is our 12th year of competition, which began as a friendly challenge at Diablo. Now, RR has more than 1500 participants representing 20+ countries around the world! Row’d Royalty is the ONLY indoor rowing competition that has categories for height (!!)- a clear performance influence – and age groups. This is a great tune-up event for the Open and includes some very cool & creative rowing workouts. More information & registration.
- Mon 12/16: 7AM – 5:30PM
- Tue & Wed 12/17&18: 6AM – 7:30P
- Thu 12/19: 6AM – 6:30P
- Fri 12/20: 6AM – 7:30P
- Sat & Sun: No Changes.
- Mon 1/1: 7AM – 5:30PM
TWEET OF THE WEEK: Stop lying to yourself. Quit making excuses. Admit your weaknesses. Take advice. Accept suffering. (1st 5 steps for diet success)
THE WEEK AHEAD: Check Sugarwod for a complete list of workouts this week plus videos. Meanwhile, here’s a couple significant workouts this week:
- Tue: Deadlift Test Day (We’ve been working on this for 2 months!)
- Fri: CrossFit Girl Benchmark – “Nancy”
Holiday Inspiration
- Best Holiday Commercial Ever
- Famished, Force-Fed, 450 Pounds—and Finally Fit (Today, Athena is a CrossFit Certification Instructor!)
- The Fittest Woman On Earth Is Pregnant! Amazing news: Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr announced her pregnancy on Instagram yesterday. She’ll be taking the 2023 season off, understandably.
Make it an awesome week!