An Epic "Back-to-Normal" Friday Night!
“You won’t understand the unabashed power of a community until you are a part of one.” Anonymous
THE OPEN & FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! If you haven’t been to one of our Friday Night Lights, please, come join the fun. You don’t have to do the workout, just come watch our members give it their all in front of their friends, family and Diablo community. It’s an awesome experience.
I was hopeful that the community would rally for our first true Friday Night Lights in 2 years, but was unsure. We all have a lot of fear about returning to “normal” but those fears were cast aside and quickly forgotten in the excitement of last Friday night! It was so much fun, so inspiring, and just what we all needed to help put the pandemic in the rear view mirror and return to normal. I’m very grateful for our community for trusting us and supporting us for this awesome event. It was amazing.
Next FNL: this Friday, March 4th, 4PM – 8PM. Teens: 4:45PM. Añejo & Reposado Teams: 5:30PM.
End Of The Open Party: Come watch everyone compete and hang out to celebrate the end of the Open! Friday, March 11th after FNL.
OPEN WORKOUTS – SUBMIT YOUR SCORE BY MONDAY AT 5PM! If you can’t come to FNL, that’s ok, just come to the gym during Open Gym and there’s likely to be a judge available. Or, post up in our FB Member Group when you can do it and a judge will likely help out!
UPDATE – COACH LENI! Last week I shared the terrible news about Coach Leni and her cancer diagnosis. The outpouring of support from our community has been amazing. She’s started chemo and will have surgery soon. And, her friends started a GoFundMe to help her with expenses while she steps away from her business to fight the fight. LeniGoFundMe Thank you for your prayers and support!
TWEET OF THE WEEK “The goal of the media isn’t so much to keep you informed, but to keep you in a permanent state of anxiety.” Zuby Music
WORKOUTS – February Focus: Calendar / Newsletter
The week ahead:
- Mon: Strict Press 5×1. Metcon: E2MOMx4, Rest 1min – Amrap: 5 Clusters, 10 CTB Pull-ups #95/135
- Tue: Back Squat 5×5. Metcon: 5RFT – 10 DB Lunges, 10 Deficit DB Push ups. #35/50
- Wed: Snatch 5×1. Metcon: Amrap 6m – 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12… KB Swings & Box Jumps. #35/53
- Thu: FT: 2x Row 450/500m, Rest 2m, 4x 225/250m, Rest 1m, 900/1000m
- Fri: 5RFT: 8 DL #155/225, 12 DB PPress, 15 T2B
- Sat: FT: 800m Run, 10 Burp BJ, 10 Goblet Lunge, 600m Run, 15 BBJ, 15 Lunge, 400m Run, 20 BBJ, 20 Lunge, 200m Run
- Sun: TGUs. Metcon: Amrap 8m – 15/20c Bike, 8 Single DB Devil Press #35/50.
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
Joe Rogan with Rob Wolff & Diana Rodgers #1784 This is a MUST-LISTEN episode about nutrition & supplementation! You will learn a lot. Robb Wolf is a friend and a former CrossFit OG (CF Nor Cal). He authored the book, Paleo Solutions. He is a former research biochemist, author, and co-host of “The Healthy Rebellion” radio podcast, alongside his wife Nicki Violetti. Diana Rodgers is a registered dietitian, nutritionist, and host of the “Sustainable Dish” podcast. Diana and Robb co-authored the book: “Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat.”
Thorne Protein, BCAAs, Fish Oil & D: I’ve known the principals at Thorne for many years prior to their partnership with CrossFit. Their supplements are medical grade (prescribed in hospitals) and most carry the NSF certification. The NSF dietary supplement certification program protects consumers by testing for harmful levels of contaminants and certifying that supplements contain the ingredients listed on the label and nothing else. Purchasing through our link saves 20%. Impressive products worthy of our community.
Make it an awesome week!