Solomon’s has lost more than 145lbs in his 2 year transformation from sickness to wellness!

+ Healthy Habit Challenge Winner – Congratulations AMY ZHOU!
+ HHC 2024: Check Out The Healthy Habit Scoreboard & Comments
+ 24.3 Announcement: Thursday, Mar 14th at 12PM PT – games.crossfit.com
+ Friday Night Lights FINALE! – 24.3 – Friday, Mar 8th, 3:30P – 7:30P
- This Week – Wed 10AM: Tim & Zia Talk CFG Open Stuff with Jamie & Craig
- Last Week: Athena & Gwen – When Is It Ok to Prescribe Ozempic?
March Focus: 1. Deadlift 2. Overhead Squat Skill: Rope Climb & Accessory
- Mon: Deadlift. Metcon: 10>1 Strict Press, HPClean #55/75
- Tue: Rope Climb Skill. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 3,3,6,6,9,9… Toes2Bar & Row Cals.
- Wed: OHS. Metcon: Amrap 8min – 3 WW, 200m Run.
- Thu: Amrap 20m – 25/35c Bike, 60s Plank, 15/25c Bike, 1m Rest
- Fri: CrossFit Games Open 24.3 – The Last Open Workout!
- Sat: Amrap 18m – 8 L-Arm/R-Arm OH Lunges, 4 Weighted Pullups, 200m SB Carry
- Sun: 800m Run, 9 Clusters, 12 Burp Over Bar, 600m Run, 6 Clusters, 9 Burps, 400m Run, 3/6, 200m Run.
- Podcast: Huberman Lab: Placebo Effects Work – this is known, can be beneficial and must be accounted for during drug trials. Unfortunately, quite a few supplement companies leverage this effect as well.
- Article: Peter Attia – PREVENTING CHRONIC DISEASE – Removing race as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease? – Recently the American Health Association announced a new “race-free” assessment tool for Doctors & Hospitals, but eliminating this variable carries the potential to increase – rather than decrease – racial disparities in healthcare. It is commonly known that some races are more prone to metabolic, cardiovascular or other disease types.
- Device: Kindle Paperwhite – The majority of my reading these last few years has actually been “listening”. I’d like to get back to actual book reading, so I picked up a Paperwhite at the recommendation of a member. It’s pretty amazing – incredible battery life, very light, and a lot like reading an actual book, but I can adjust the font size and lighting. First Up: A fictional repeat for me: Pillars of the Earth (outstanding)
Make it a great week!