“The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination.” Sal di Stefano @thebareperfomancepodcast
LOOK WHO’S MOVING ON! The 2022 Open yielded some impressive performances from Diablo athletes. Thank you to Coach Jamie Lee and Progressive Programming (it works). Admittedly, I sometimes take for granted how many top-tier athletes we have. I’m so used to getting beat in class on a daily basis, that I just assumed it’s because I’m getting old and slow. While that’s true, it’s also true that our members continue to get better and better – and are moving up in the global rankings!. They follow the plan. They attend class. They work on their weaknesses.
So, who qualified for the CrossFit Games Quarterfinals? Well, the result are not OFFICIAL until Monday, but according to the leaderboard today, 21 Diablo athletes will be moving on, including 15 women (She-Devils dominate!). Here’s the “unofficial” list (be sure and congratulate them when you see them!):
Individual Women (Top 10% North America – *age group qualified too!)
- Alessandra Pichelli* (Retired)
- Kendra Watters
- Beth Stankevich*
- Annie Clark
- Brittany Benedetto*
- Amanda Hari
- Stephanie Ma
- Cynthia Pammett
- Randi Mahar*
- Amber Piggue
- Teresa Brann
- Kim Hilen*
- Taylor Madge*
Individual Men (Top 10% North America)
- Jackson Miller
- Cole Gravitt
- Nate McCallion
- Sean Reifel
- Nick Collum
Age Group Athletes (Top 10% Worldwide Age-Group)
- Taylor Madge (16-17)
- Alessandra Pichelli (35-39)
- Beth Stankevich (35-39)
- Brittany Benedetto (40-44)
- Randi Mahar (40-44)
- Kim Hilen (50-54)
- Melissa Chatterton (50-54)
- David Jones (55-59)
- Gwen Holtan (55-59)
- Yvonne Howard (60-64)
—– - Mark Mooney (50-54)
Team (Top 25% North America)
- Anejo (Contributing athletes: Jackson, Cole, Alessandra, Annie, Beth)
DATES: the Quarterfinals begin this weekend with the Indys. Beginning Thursday, they’ll have
- Individual Quarterfinals (Top 10% in the Region): Mar 24-27
- Team Quarterfinals (Top 25% in Region): Apr 7-10
- Masters/Teens (Top 10% in World): Apr 21-24
TWEET OF THE WEEK: When times get tough (again) we’ll be here to help keep you healthy and sane.
WORKOUTS – March Focus: Calendar / Newsletter
The week ahead:
- Mon: A) Amrap 4m, Rest 1m. B) Amrap 7, Rest 2m, C) FT: 15/20c Bike, 30 Situps, 12 Burpee over bar, 20PP #75/115
- Tue: Back Squat 6×2. Metcon: 21-15-9 Alt DB Snatch & High Box Jump Overs. #35/50
- Wed: PClean Complex. Metcon: Max Air Bike Cals in 12 mins. Every 2min: 4 Squat Cleans. #125/#185
- Thu: 5RFT – 250/300m Row, 60s Plank, 250/300m Row, 60s Rest
- Fri: 5RFT – 3HPSnatch, 12 Pullups, 3HPS, 1min Rest. #95/135
- Sat: Amrap 14m – 25/35 C2 Bike, 8 Thrusters, 12 Box Jumps #95/135
- Sun: TGUs. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 15 HR Push-ups, 15 Deadlifts. #145/205
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
You Found What, Where? Glass Tumbler Found In Woman’s Urinary Bladder 4 Years Later – Not sure why I’m posting this.. 1. it’s funny af. 2. The human body is amazing. 3. Some people…
(From Coach Carrie) Whoop Podcast #147 Understanding Metabolic Health: The effect of sleep, exercise, diet & stress on glucose levels with Dr. Casey Means, MD. As complex as this podcast sounds, I found it very fascinating and a great listen! It’s about 45 minutes long and I’ll likely listen again. Sadly, only 1 in 8 Americans are considered metabolically healthy. Dr. Means is a Stanford trained physician and CMO & Co-Founder of Levels – a metabolic health company. She discusses stress, sleep, sugar and their affects on glucose levels, inflammation & chronic disease. She has great ideas for quick changes to diet & lifestyle than can have an immediate impact on your metabolic health. Great podcast!
(From Payam) Michael Saylor talks Bitcoin – PBD Podcast 128: Michael Saylor, an MIT graduate, holds 40+ patents, and is the CEO of MicroStrategy a publicly traded business intelligence firm. He is a brilliant investor with a net worth well over $1b. He also owns a shit-ton of Bitcoin. If you’ve wondered about Bitcoin, or if you’ve dabbled in Bitcoin, this is an amazing discussion. Michael Saylor provides an excellent background and explanation for the validity of crypto currency, and a very convincing argument for owning Bitcoin, and the reasoning for why Bitcoin will thrive. I really enjoyed this one.
Walking Might Be The Best Exercise There Is – Brad Stulberg. CrossFit is amazing and is the best methodology for elite fitness. It is proven. But, walking might be the best exercise for longevity. Walking is certainly the most convenient and most accessible form of exercise. The more I read and the more I walk, the more I am convinced of the metabolic and mental health benefits of walking. If the Whoop Podcast above, Dr. Means describes how walking 90 seconds every 30 minutes can help you maintain a stable glucose level, preventing insulin surges – and improving metabolic health and weight loss. The article opens with the story of Ken, from Oakland who walks 3 laps a day around Lake Merritt (9 miles) at age “90 something” – he says “you’ve just got to keep moving”. I walk 3-4 miles a day (2 walks) with the dogs and I’m hooked. Jason Falcon, our Nutrition Coaching Partner highly recommends walking as part of his weight management coaching.
Make it an awesome week!