“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin
TWISI (The Way I See It): According to the NY Times (see below), people are “breaking up” with Peloton for myriad reasons, mostly to return to working out in gyms. As a result, Peloton is suffering. This is not something that gym owners are celebrating. But it is something that most gym owners predicted.
The way I see it, the commute to use the Peloton is NOT short and easy. It is paved with obligations, distractions, loneliness & and stress. The walk to the Peloton passes by the fridge, the cupboard, the couch in front of the TV, the unfinished home projects, the laundry room, the kids’ rooms, and the bedroom. No matter how sexy and fun at-home exercise may look, the majority of people struggle to create a sustainable at-home fitness habit. Over the last 50 years, myriad at-home fitness equipment have collected dust and ended up in a landfills: the BowFlex, Norditrack, Gazelle and even Chuck Norris’ Total Gym.
Sure, Peloton is a fantastic workout with great online classes, but at the end of the day, most people struggle to workout at home consistently. Jumping in the car, driving to gym and leaving the distractions & obligations behind is the best first step to creating a new lifestyle habit. And, if it’s a CrossFit gym, you’ll be with friends under the watchful eye of a coach.
HERE COME THE MASTERS (& TEEN & OCCUPATIONALS) On Thursday this week, the CrossFit Games will release the 5 Quarterfinal Workouts for the Age-Group athletes that must be completed by Sunday. To qualify for the Qrtrs, athletes must be in the top 10% of their respective age group, worldwide. To move onto the Age-Group Semi-Finals, athletes must finish in the top 30 worldwide. When you see them, wish them luck and give them a shout during their workouts!
- Taylor Madge (16-17)
- Alessandra Pichelli (35-39) – Tentative
- Beth Stankevich (35-39) – Tentative
- Brittany Benedetto (40-49)
- Randi Mahar (40-44)
- Melissa Chatterton (50-54)
- Kim Hilen (50-54)
- Davida Jones (50-54)
- Mark Mooney (50-54)
- Gwen Holtan (55-59)
- Yvonne Howard (60-64)
And this year, the top “Occupational” Athletes are invited to the next level of competition by finishing in the top 10% of their field. Congratulations to Kendra Watters (Medical Professional) and Sean Reifel (Law Enforcement).
TEACHING OLY TO GEN Z Last Thursday, Northgate High School invited Diablo CrossFit to come teach Olympic Lifting & CrossFit to more than 60 kids who participate in their weightlifting PE classes. Diablo Teen athlete, Kennedy Kissack sold the idea to her PE teacher. We figured the best way to “sell” them was to impress them – and our coaches delivered with instruction & demos: Carrie Olson (3 Weightlifting World Records), Jamie Lee (4x CF Games), Jackson Miller (Div 1 Collegiate Swimmer & Diablo Team Member), Corey Mendoza (US Marine & Diablo Teen Coach) and Alessandra Pichelli (9x CF Games). It was an amazing experience for us and them.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: The formula for weight loss is incredibly simple yet amazingly complex and unachievable for so many.
CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK 10-20 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows every day – pick a number from 10-20.
WORKOUTS – April Focus: Base & Balance (Newsletter / Calendar)
The week ahead:
- Mon: Back Squat & Bench Press. Metcon: FT – 30, 20, 10 Walking Lunges & 25,15, 5 KB SDHP
- Tue: HS Holds & Scales. Metcon: 3RFT – 6 Power C&J + 12 Burpee over Bar #105/155
- Wed: 3RFT – 1000m Row, 10 Hang Squat Snatch, 15 Pull Ups #75/115
- Thu: DL 6-4-2-6-4-2. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 1, 2, 3 … DB Devil Press & Strict K2E #35/50
- Fri: 5rnds x 4min – Max Strict HSPU. Buy In: 30s L-Sit + 25/25c Air Bike. 1m rest between rnds.
- Sat: Amrap 14m – 200m Run, 6 BMU, 8 Back Squat (from ground) #95/135
- Sun: 5RFT – 2 Rope Climbs, 4 Ring Dips, 8 Power Snatch #75/115
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
RP Warns About Plastics: “39 Different Microplastics Found in Human Lungs” – It’s time to reduct the use of single-use plastics. The study she references: National Library of Medicine – Single Use Plastics
Rogan with Bill Mahar #1804 – I didn’t necessarily agree with all that was discussed in this podcast but I really enjoyed listening. Rogan and Mahar don’t see eye-to-eye on all issues, but they had a great open-minded conversation on many issues. They are both very humble and willing to admit they are not subject experts. The one point they did agree on was that social hypersensitivity and politicizing non-political issues has harmed our society. Funny & engaging.
The Outlaws (series) – Amazon Prime – Yvonne & I really enjoyed this one. It’s a comedic drama with a fantastic cast, including Christopher Walken (79) who is still damn funny. Seven strangers come together for their Community Service for various crimes. They are all vastly different personalities which makes for great comedy.
Breaking Up With Peloton – NY Times. People crave community and a distraction-free environment.
Make it an awesome week!