Yosemite is epic.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Rumi
Decided to make a quick run up to Yosemite with my daughter Alana so that she could connect with some of her internet art friends from Florida. Quick side note: my faith in the internet and internet communities has been restored – she and her “internet friends” of 4 years had never met in person and when they did, it was amazing – they literally did not know each other’s real names (internet nicknames only) yet they instantly bonded and conversed like best friends of 4 years.
The quick trip to Yosemite was ill-advised by media, since Saturday was expected to be the busiest day of the year and wait times to enter the park were estimated to be 2-4 hours. So, we through a tent in the truck and headed up Friday afternoon. I told my daughter, that it was possible we’d have to sleep in the truck outside the park. But, when arrived in the park at 7:30PM as the sun was starting to set, most of the day’s crowds had departed and it was gorgeous!
Yosemite Hack: Of course, all campsites were shown to be “full” online. Reservations fill months in advance. However, I noticed that a few campsites (Lower & Upper Pines) were marked as “closed” due to flooding. But, they were available to book later in the week or month. So, at about 8PM, as the sun was setting, we took a chance and drove into the Lower Pines campground to check out the “closed” campsites – sure enough, they were empty AND dry. We chose one, put up our tent and camped in the park! In the morning, we rose early and easily found a parking space in the main parking area at 7:30AM.
Taking advice from a Diablo member, we first hit the Lower Yosemite Falls – which was busy, but still spectacular. The water flow this year is unbelievable. After a quick breakfast & rest, we hiked to the Mist Trail to hit Nevada & Vernal Falls. The Mist Trail was absolutely amazing. The roar of the water combined with the turbulent wind, cold water spray and steep granite stair climb along Vernal Falls was an epic experience. My daughter and I were trembling, smiling and laughing along with everyone else on the trail despite our mutual fear, fatigue and the drenching, cold rain.
The whole experience reinforced for me the importance of getting out in nature. We were exhausted by the end of the hiking and sightseeing, but excited and invigorated. We both reflected on the power of nature to clear our minds and help us focus on what’s important in life (and what’s not). When we were climbing near-vertical stairs adjacent to Vernal Falls, the ONLY things on our minds were: safely taking the next step and the awesomeness of the falls. It was cathartic.
- Diablo will be open from 6AM – 11AM on July 4th.
- CrossFit Class Times: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 & 10:00.
WHAT I LEARNED FROM NICOLE – The Nicole Carrol Podcast
If you want some inside perspective on the future of CrossFit, the power of the methodology, and significance of the brand – along with some cool history of the company and Nicole Carroll – check out this podcast from last week.
- She is in charge of the brand – which, in her mind, means protecting, preserving & promoting CrossFit the methodology, the coaching, the community and the culture. CrossFit will not chase shiny objects.
- Management Training Is Not Required For Leadership. Instead, experience + passion + conviction + confidence makes a great leader like Nicole Carroll.
- What is true about CrossFit 15 years ago, is still true today
- CrossFit continues to save lives – and it’s happening in the affiliates every day.
- The brand is in very good hands.
- ROD ABDO – MON 7/3 @10AM: CPRsAllDay Podcast with Diablo Member Rod Abdolhosseini. 3 years ago, Rod fell through a roof while working as a contractor. He suffered serious injuries, including brain trauma. He literally credits CrossFit for saving his life – making him durable enough to survive the fall and recover in record time. We’ll talk about that and his successful transition from contractor to Real Estate agent. He’s also never takes himself too serious and is one of the funniest members at Diablo – so this should be fun.
- Rod is also one of our Diablo Competition Team sponsors for 2023 (!!) – so, if you’re in need of Real Estate advice or representation, please reach out! (925)407-7667 or visit his website.. which is literally his name: RodAbdo.com.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: Fitness is my 401k. CrossFit is my largest investment. It has paid off handsomely.
July Calendar & Newsletter
July Focus: Front Squat, Power Clean, Ring Dips & Chin Ups,
- Mon: Jerks. Metcon: 6RFT – 8K2E + 8KB SDHP
- Tue: “1776”
- Wed: RMUps. Metcon: 10-8-6-4-2 – Strict Pull ups + 40-40-30-20-10 DUs
- Thu: Amrap 25m – 15/20c Air Bike, 4 HPS, 200m Run, 4WW, Rest 2m
- Fri: Squat Clean Complex. Metcon: 2MO1MOx4 – Amrap 10: KBs, BJs, Air Squats
- Sat: 12, 9, 6: STOH & BFB, begin ea. round with 400m Row #95/135
- Sun: SB GetUps. Metcon: 5RFT – 6 Right Arm FR Lunge, 6 LAFR Lunge, 200m Run
Documentary: Fittest on Earth: Retro/Active – This is a behind-the-scenes look at the 2022 CrossFit Games. It is exciting from beginning to end, telling the story of the top 3 men & women as they battle for the title, Fittest on Earth. After watching, you’ll want to immediately work out! Great storytelling, especially for Tia Toomey and Ricky Gerard.
Podcast: Huberman Lab – Improve Vision & Eye Health with Dr. Jeff Goldberg, MD&PhD. This is a pretty extensive podcast covering all eye ailments from myopia to glaucoma and eye treatments including contacts, lasik and supplements. Important: this episode is time-stamped! You can jump to your subject of interest – check the notes on YouTube for the subject breaks.
Podcast: #2000 Rogan with Duncan Trussell – Ordinarily I avoid Joe’s podcasts with fellow comedians, but I listened to this one because it was the 2000th episode. The first few minutes are hilariously crude, but then the conversation delves into very current topics related to health, lifestyle and happiness. I really enjoyed the discussion and Joe & Duncan’s perspectives. And, admittedly, I laughed quite a bit.
IG: Rhonda Patrick: Resistance Training enhances skin health & may counteract skin aging.
ESSENTIAL CROSSFIT READING: The Magic Of CrossFit Series, Nicole Carroll – We talked about these in our podcast with Nicole. If you want to learn more about our amazing methodology, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
- The Magic Of CrossFit: Defining the Formula
- TMOC: The Methodology
- TMOCF: Ethos
- TMOCF: Community
- TMOCF: Coach
Make it an awesome week!