“Never underestimate the ability of a small group of dedicated people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
INJURED? DON’T STOP “Strong people are harder to kill” – this saying is common in the martial arts & MMA communities, but it applies to life in general. We can all plot our health on the sickness/wellness continuum, which is heavily influenced by disease and injuries. But, our strength, fitness, and nutritional intake among other factors significantly affect our position on the sickness-wellness-fitness continuum as well. At the extreme end of the sickness side of the continuum is a weak, frail, and sick individual with very little aerobic capacity. At the fitness end of the continuum is a strong, sturdy, healthy individual with excellent endurance and no sign of sickness. CrossFit is an incredible workout methodology that helps keep all of us on the “wellness & fitness” sides of the continuum. Thus, if or when sickness strikes us, we are better able to recover and live a longer, healthier life.

Sickness and injuries will happen – especially as your fitness makes you more active and more willing to take on physical challenges. For many of us, when injury happens, our first instinct is to stop our fitness and wait for recovery. Unfortunately, stopping fitness is begins the move away from “fitness”, toward “sickness” on the continuum. Muscle atrophy and cardiovascular decline can quickly reverse the progress toward wellness – something that Doctors are very well aware of, especially with elderly patients.
So, what do you do when injured? If you can stand and move, please, keep coming to CrossFit! Our Coaches are very well trained at helping our members scale or substitute as needed in order to maintain or improve strength and fitness. At a minimum, riding a stationery C2 bike can help keep your cardiovascular endurance (heart health) in check! So, no matter the injury – if you can move – come in. We’ll keep you on the right side of the sickness – wellness – fitness continuum.
NFW: 2 Miles in 7:54.1 – Norway’s Jakob Ingebrigtsen recently shattered the World Record in the two-miler with an incredible 3:57mi pace!
- July 10: “I Bought A CrossFit Affiliate” – James Cooper. Former member and amazing videographer (& bodywork specialist), James Cooper recently purchased a CrossFit Affiliate with his wife Breanna – achieving a major life goal. But, it hasn’t been easy. Tune in to hear about the ups & downs of affiliate ownership and all about James & Breanna’s new business venture.
- July 17: Dale King – Reversing the Opioid Epidemic with CrossFit. Dale King is the founder of Doc Spartan skin care products – a sponsor of the PRsAllDay Podcast. He’s also the founder of CrossFit PSKC in Portsmouth, OH – ground zero for the opioid epidemic. He has a documentary releasing soon on NetFlix and was recently featured in Rolling Stone Magazine: Meet The Iraq War Veteran Saving Opioid Addicts Lives with CrossFit.
Did you catch these? - ROD ABDO – 3 years ago, Rod fell through a roof while working as a contractor. He suffered serious injuries, including brain trauma. He literally credits CrossFit for saving his life – making him durable enough to survive the fall and recover in record time.
- NICOLE CARROLL – From OG member to Chief Brand Officer at CrossFit. Nicole’s story is an incredible journey of passion. (This is our most-viewed podcast!)
TWEET OF THE WEEK: “CrossFit is dangerous because it makes you fit enough to do dangerously stupid things.”
July Calendar & Newsletter
July Focus: Front Squat, Power Clean, Ring Dips & Chin Ups,
- Mon: 5RFT – 4 Power Cleans, 8 DL, 12 Bar-Facing Burpees
- Tue: Jerks. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 3 RMU (or 5 Ring Dips), 12 WBs, 36 DUs
- Wed: Amrap 20m – 20/30c Air Bike, 16 Pistols, 16 DB Snatches, 16 Thrusters
- Thu: MU Skills. Metcon: Amrap 8m – 10 K2E, 2 WW, 8 HR Push-Ups
- Fri: Squat Clean Complex. Metcon: Amrap 8m – 18 KB Swings, 36 DUs
- Sat: TGUs. Metcon: 4RFT – 8 Bearhug Squat, 100m SB Carry, 1 Rope Climb, 200m Run
- Sun: Amrap 20m 1000m Row, 8 HSPU, 12 Burp BJ
Podcast: Zuby Interviews Elon Musk #263 Free Speech, Neuralink & The Future of Humanity – Zuby is a British rapper and podcaster. He was born to Nigerian parents in Luton, Udezue and eventually educated at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. I follow him on IG & Twitter. He’s a fascinating guy with a very libertarian view of the world. This interview is outstanding and gives real insight into what motivates Elon Musk. I really enjoyed their insight to population growth, climate change and other hot topics.
Podcast: Sam Harris – Debating the Future of AI With Marc Andreessen – This is an intense discussion between two exceptionally intelligent people. I really enjoyed it – Andreessen downplays perceived dangers of AI while Sam Harris is clearly very nervous about potential dangers.
Podcast: Talking Elite Fitness: Get a Grip, Games Cuts and A Conversation with Justin Medeiros – Got all caught up on the Games updates – pull up grips (!!), athlete cuts at the Games and a little about Justin.
YouTube: Member YouTube Channel Rocks – Amanda Hari’s YouTube Channel is dedicated to her experiences with CrossFit – and it’s damn good. She has more than 3k subscribers and growing – giving viewers some great insight and perspective as an “Average Joe” CrossFitter (even though she’s pretty damn good!).
Faster, Cheaper, Easier Internet: Starlink Is Pretty Damn Cool – I ordered the basic version of Starlink a few weeks back and am really impressed with the ease of set up and speed of internet. It’s $599 for the equipment, which comes in 1 box, and $120 a month for internet (80-150mps download). If you want to use if for your RV – get the mobile plan for $150/m. The dish arrives assembled – just attach it to the stand, and plug the long cable into the wireless router provided. That’s it. It took me 15 minutes to set it up and start using.
Better The 2nd Time Around? Yvonne and I burned through GOT the 2nd time and.. really liked it. It’s kinda cool – you catch lots of things that you miss the 1st time you watch. Next on the docket: The Sopranos. HBO Max.
Make it an awesome week!