IN THIS EMAIL- Inertia is Key
- 5000 Reps
- 6 Locations?
- Women & Exercise!
- Where Does it Hurt?
IT’S ALL ABOUT INERTIA Recently I’ve thought a lot about what it takes to be healthy, fit and strong (yes, those 3 things overlap). As a coach, gym owner and fitness evangelist, I’m keenly interested in finding the “secret sauce” that creates our desired fitness results. The truth is that there is no single “sauce” but a combination of multiple sauces that yield the best results for each of us: diet, exercise type & frequency, sleep, hydration, etc. And, the process of finding and adhering to the recipe for health & fitness requires a significant time commitment and continuous effort. We have to generate and maintain inertia for exercise, proper nutrition and healthy living – for the rest of our lives. And, in my 45+ years of fitness experience, I believe “community” is the best way to create and maintain health & fitness inertia – and there’s no shortage of community at a CrossFit gym.
I discovered CrossFit in 2004 after years of endurance training that was taking a toll on my body and time away from my family. I was first attracted to the short time domains, thinking “there’s no way a 10 minute workout can make me more fit.” The efficacy of CrossFit methodology is unmatched – which led to the creation of the CrossFit Games to find the “Fittest on Earth”. And, when I started doing CrossFit with friends, it became an obsession and an integral part of my life and daily routine. While the methodology is the foundation for incredible fitness results, it is the community within CrossFit affiliates that has motivated millions of people to start CrossFit and make fitness a consistent part of their lives.
Getting up early to go to the gym is hard. Stopping at the gym on the way home after work is hard. Finding time in a busy day of work or family obligations to workout is hard. The easy thing to do is NOT workout. But, when you have a crew of friends and a motivating coach that are happy to see you, it’s a LOT easier to get that workout in. CrossFit does that. And, while you’re there – hanging with your community, chances are you’ll discover more “sauces” to help you on your health & fitness journey.
Keep the the inertia going.
SMALL GROUP TRAINING: SEP 2024 Diablo’s Small Group Private Coaching program begins in September. SGT provides a dedicated coach and class time for no more than 4 athletes per class. Our small group format ensures personal attention and customized workout programming to help you meet your personal fitness goals. Our SGT program is ideal for someone who wants a more personalized program, is new to CrossFit, dealing with limited mobility or injury, or even, competitive athletes. LEARN MORE HERE
Confirmed coaches / times: - Jamie Lee (MWF 9:30A & 11AM)
- Maddie Griffin (Tu/Th 11A & 1P)
- Alessandra Pichelli (TBA)
These classes and coaches have very limited availability. If you, a friend or family member are interested please reach out as soon as possible: |