This is Yvonne’s favorite pic from her 2023 CrossFit Games performance. Kinda says it all.
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wild
HELP LAHAINA CROSSFIT We’ve all seen or heard about the terrible devastation and loss of life in Lahaina over the last few days. Since many of us have vacationed in Hawaii, the tragedy hits extra hard. We all want to help. As of today, the best and likely most reliable place to make relief donations for those impacted by the fires is the Hawaiian Red Cross.
Many in our Diablo community have also trained at Lahaina CrossFit while visiting Maui. Fortunately, their building is still standing, but it will be closed for some time, since the fire ravaged their neighborhood. And, many members & coaches in their community have been impacted.
Donate to Lahaina CF – If you are able, please consider making a donation of any size to Lahaina CrossFit to help their business survive AND to help members of their amazing community. You can make direct donations to Lahaina CrossFit here. Tom Ragusa is the owner and posted this link in the LCF bio. He is a good person. If you make a donation, mention “Diablo CrossFit Family” in your note so that he knows.
Thank you. #diablolove
RV LIFE Finally made it back home from the CrossFit Games on Saturday with my travel trailer in tow! Admittedly, the trip back is tough. It’s comparable to a long commute to work: the morning drive is mostly enjoyable: coffee, audio books, etc. Then, after a long day at work (or a week at the CFG), you really want to just be home…immediately. But, like every year, I make the most of it – visiting National Parks & friends, enjoying time away and cherishing quality time with my daughter and her/our Chihuahua.
Why take an RV to the Games? Why not just fly and stay in hotels? While some might think, RV’ing is cheaper than flying, car rentals & hotels, the reality is that the total cost of the RV trip is the same or, depending on the RV parks, maybe a little more. And, it takes a lot more time. But, the RV experience at the Games is truly amazing and very convenient for competitors. The RV park is on-site and a short walk to the competition venue and a very short bike ride to the athlete access area. The RVrs are mostly athletes and families & friends of the athletes. Most workout during down times and everyone is friendly and welcoming. There are no late-night parties – like most CrossFitters, they hit the sack early. CrossFit & sponsors set up events & training facilities in the RV park and make it an inclusive experience for campers. It’s an incredible experience.
RVing is Work. Make no mistake, RV life is a lot more work than staying home and more work than flying & hoteling. Trip planning, loading, towing (or driving), meal planning, daily set-up and and taking down require and early start and often, a late bedtime, every day. RVs are traveling houses – and, as a result: shit moves around and sometimes breaks. You have to deal with it and be prepared to McGyver your way out. Have plenty of tools and PLAN for the worst. This year we got a flat tire on our trailer on Hwy 80 in Nebraska in 106 deg heat. We were stranded on the side of the highway with Semi trucks passing at 70mph. I thought it would be an easy fix and good lesson for my daughter, BUT, I learned the hard way that most RV trailers (ours is a 30′ toy-hauler) don’t come with tools to change tires and my truck’s lug wrench didn’t fit. Most owners buy a kit in the aftermarket. The only lesson my daughter learned was: make sure you have Roadside Assistance on your insurance.
Driving an RV or towing a trailer is stressful, especially in cities, You need more room to start, stop and turn. And, many places are not accessible. I’ve almost lost my A/C unit on my roof multiple times by not paying attention to overhead clearance. I’ve been stuck in parking lots and on streets because there was no way to turn around.
RV parks make it easy, but it’s still hard. Once you’ve landed in a desirable location (almost always an RV park) you then have to connect water & electricity – not always easy or convenient – AND, worst of wall, you have to dump your gray water (showers & sinks) and the dreaded black tank (toilet). My daughter still refused to help with this one. Note: at some point in your RV life, you will get shit on you. (In 2022, I inadvertently opened the black tank valve without being connected to the sewer line and the contents of the black tank dumped onto my sandaled feet. It took every ounce of internal fortitude to not vomit multiple times).
It’s Still Worth It. There are a LOT of amazing RV Parks across this Country and in Canada and many right in the National Parks. Stepping out of your RV in the morning in a beautiful park is epic. Online trip planners have improved dramatically and provide good insight to destinations. (Here’s my last trip). For the best destinations you’ll need to make reservations weeks or months in advance, but it’s worth it. Finally, RV’rs are generally very nice and very helpful. RV parks have access to necessary supplies and mobile mechanics. I’m a fan of KOAs. And, if you’re thinking of buying – RENT first. You’ll learn a ton. And, DM me anytime for insight.
- We’re Back! In The Studio: Monday at 10A PT – Jamie and I have a LOT of stories to tell.
- Last Week With Zia. On Sunday the 6th – Jamie & I had a great conversation about the Games and affiliate success with Zia Rohrbaugh, owner of CrossFit Counter Culture in San Diego. Watch it on YouTube!
TWEET OF THE WEEK: 25 burpees first thing in the morning will change your outlook for the day positively.
Aug: Calendar & Newsletter. This Week:
- Mon: C&J. Metcon: Amrap UNKNOWN TIME! – 6 DB Press, 8 DB FS, 10 DB DL
- Tue: 30/40c Airbike, 200m FC, 400m Run
- Wed: RMU skill. Metcon: Amrap 7m – Burpee Bar MUps
- Thu: Snatch. Metcon: 3RFT – 8 DP Press Right, 8 DB PressL, 12 Goblet Lunge, 12 Sit Ups
- Fri: “Helen”!!
- Sat: SB Complex. Metcon: Max Cals Rowing: 30s On/Off x 10
- Sun: Amrap 20m – 6 PSnatch, 12 Burpee over Bar, 16 Box Step Ups #95/135
As you can imagine, I had a LOT of time to listen to books & podcasts on my trip back. These are my favorites – and they’re good.
- NonFiction Book: Unreasonable Hospitality – Will Guidara. “The Remarkable Power of Giving People More than They Expect” – This was recommended to me by Coach Jason Fernandez, one of the owners of The Best Hour of the Day Affiliate Coaching program. Coach Fern is a 10yr+ affiliate owner and really good guy. His business is one of the best and they’re parters with CrossFit. He HIGHLY recommended this book – the story of 11 Madison, voted the #1 restaurant in the world, multiple years running. It is an impressive story – and a MUST READ for anyone in the service business. And, if you want even more insight to Madison 11, watch the awesome Netflix Documentary Story on them as they remodel, reopen and reclaim their title: NetFlix: 7 Days Out (Episode 2!)
- YouTube: What Happened to Justin at the 2023 CF Games – Justin Medeiros & Ellie Turner give some really good insight to their performances at the ’23 Games. This is a great peek into the prep, mindset and training that goes into competing at the Games.
- Podcast: Huberman: Tony Hawk – Harnessing Passion, Drive & Persistence for Lifelong Success – I grew up skateboarding and followed the success of Tony Hawk. This is a really good and concise biography of Tony and his journey from awkward kid to skate industry powerhouse. It’s made better by Huberman who is a skater himself and knew Tony and his parents as a kid.
- !! BOOK !!: “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 by Ed Dowd, & Eric Torres. I hesitated sharing this one because it is sensitive and might be taken the wrong way. However, I feel it’s important for everyone to know this data because big Pharma will NOT share it with you. It is even MORE important to read this if you have children and are considering another Covid booster. It is made more compelling when you realize that Ed Dowd has no political axe to grind. He is a brilliant, accomplished statistician & investor (I love statistics!). This book is simply a compilation of reported “sudden deaths” in the US over the last 3 years along with a timeline. The CEO of OneAmerica insurance disclosed that during Q3 and Q4 of 2021, deaths in people of working age (18-64) was 40 percent higher than before the pandemic AND the majority of the deaths were NOT attributed to Covid. If it was any other time in history, this “earth-shaking” spike in deaths would result in massive alarms in the media and in Government. Q3 & Q4 was also the implementation of vaccine mandates – for a vaccine that bypassed traditional FDA approval process. Draw your own conclusions from the data. But the bottom line is this: children have the absolute lowest risk of hospitalization from CV of any group – almost nil. Please, read this book if you’re thinking about boosting.
- FICTION: First Blood – David Morrell – Fiction keeps me awake for the long stretches. I saw this movie when I was a teen (yes, it influenced me) and have always wanted to read the book. It did not disappoint – and it ended differently.
Have an awesome week.