LFG Yvonne! Influence. Stall Mats. Masters. Row for Lats. Robots, Grandma Fit, Knee Rehab.. TWA 8.26.24

Yvonne is headed to Birmingham, Alabama for the 2024 CrossFit Games Masters this week!
Her Coach, Jamie Lee, wrote the script for Yvonne’s 8th appearance at the Games – the first time she’s qualified 3 years in a row in the same age division (60-64)!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Martin Luther King Jr.


  • You’re The Influencer
  • Labor Day Hours
  • $tall Mats
  • The Masters Games Begins Thursday!
  • Row for Lats
  • Robots, GrandmaFit, Furiosa, Knee Rehab

YOUR KIDS ARE WATCHING  Chronic disease affects half of all adults in this Country. US Health Care spending is at $4.5 trillion per year – or almost 20% of our GDP.  Worse, childhood obesity has risen from less than 10% of all children ages 2-19 to more than 20% – meaning that chronic disease rates and health care spending will continue to increase for the next 20 years. 

The cure for chronic disease is rooted in lifestyle choices. Healthy nutrition, moving throughout the day and vigorous exercise are known antidotes to most, if not all chronic diseases. And, we can’t stop. A healthy lifestyle is a relentless, albeit mostly satisfying pursuit. And the reward is a longer and better quality of life. 

So how do we get our kids to embrace a healthy, active lifestyle? It’s very tough for many of us. Technology has captured young minds and incredibly delicious, calorie-dense, processed foods & drinks have captured young appetites. For most young adults, exercise sucks. It’s hard and gratification is delayed. Healthy nutrition is boring. Often, for the sake of a healthy relationship with our children, we don’t interfere with their diet and exercise.

Ultimately, I believe, we have to lead from the front with respect to fitness and nutrition. We must set the example. Our kids watch us. They see what we eat, what we drink and what we do when we with them and even when we are not. We may not need to force them into sports or fitness classes, or make massive dietary changes. Instead, we should show them what happens when we eat healthy, exercise and stay active throughout the day. I also think it’s important to talk about (often!) why we do what we do and why we eat the way we eat. Avoiding chronic disease, means avoiding cancer, heart disease, strokes, obesity, arthritis and more – they need to know this! And, whenever possible, be active WITH your kids – hiking, swimming, skiing, walks, and plenty of play.

We’re the influencers in our children’s lives. There’s a lot of competition for our kids’ attention but never underestimate the influence of a motivated CrossFitter. We got this. 

SEP CHALLENGE: Burpees, L-Sits & Sugar, oh my! – After our brutal, July push up and squat challenge, numerous members asked me for a new one. So, in September we’ve got a doozy for you: Burpees, L-Sits & (No) Sugar. You’ll be able to track it all on SugarWod (yes, ironic). Our daily challenges will start slow and get a little harder every week.

  • Week 1: 25 Burpees or 30secs of L-Sits / Day
  • Week 2: 50 Burpees or 1min LSits / Day
  • Week 3: 75 Burpees or 90secs LSits / Day
  • Week 4: 100 Burpees or 2m LSits / Day

And.. no sugar (yes, fruit is ok). 

LABOR DAY:  We’re open on Labor Day from 7AM until 12PM. Last class is at 11AM. 

A BIT ABOUT DIABLO:  Horse Stall Mats.  The most expensive physical asset in our gym is the stall mats. And at about 100lbs  and 3/4 of an inch thick, they’re definitely the biggest pain in the ass to move, cut and install. But, they’re incredibly durable and have done an amazing job of protecting the cement flooring underneath. 

All CrossFit gyms require rubber flooring, given the nature of what we do: dropping heavy weights, jumping, running and more. Some gyms use very uniform, rolled rubber as flooring – we considered – but, rolled rubber is much thinner and not re-usable. Horse stall mats can be moved and reused as our gym equipment and rigs are re-organized with growth. And, horse stall mats can be re-sold, used in the 2nd market very easily.

Fun fact: Diablo has purchased 100% of our stall mats since 2009 from Concord Feed in Pleasant Hill – nearly $50,000 of stall mats!  The best part: they’ll load them on the forklift and drop them off on our doorstep. 

Lastly: need to cut stall mats? The best way we’ve found: use a sturdy box cutter with a fresh blade. Score the cut with a chalk line, put a 2×4 on edge under mat on the line, and cut – it’ll take 2-3 cuts to finish the job.   

CFG MASTERS. The CrossFit Games Masters will be held in Birmingham, Alabama at the Convention Center beginning Thu, August 29th through Sunday, September 1st. Yvonne qualified (x7) and will be competing for her 3rd time in the 60-64yo division! You’ll be able to watch a full live stream on YouTube. 

COOL FITNESS TIP (maybe a weekly addition):  Struggling with “lat” engagement in the Olympic lifts or kipping gymnastics? Do 2-3 sets of ring rows (or low bar rows) at an angle that allows for sets of 12-15 reps – every day or every other day. Keep a hollow body position, vs. an arched lower back. You’ll see dramatic improvement in a couple of weeks.


August Focus: 1. Snatch  2. Squat Clean & Jerk Complex  3. BMU/HSPU


YouTubeBoston Dynamics – Subscribe! Their videos are mesmerizing. Human technological development is awe inspiring and, yes, scary. Oh, btw, these push ups are ALL no-reps.

IG: Grandma’s Transformation at Age 70 –  Seriously – check this one out until the end. Fitness begins at any age.

HBO/Hulu: Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga – No sure that the critics liked this, but Yvonne and I found it entertaining. It’s a bit fantastical, but creative and fun.

CrossFit.com: Knee Surgery: A Practical Guide For Scaling (Nicole Christensen) – Thx Nicole Rogers for sending! 

Make it an awesome week!
