“If you lose, don’t lose the lesson.” Dalai Lama
ITS NOT JUST A PR: August was another amazing month of personal records. Truly, I and our coaches are blown away by the results that continue to populate our monthly PR board. CrossFit works. Coach Jamie Lee & his @prsallday team are designing amazing workouts & progressions.
One of the unique & elegant features of CrossFit is that it is measurable & repeatable. If you finish faster in a workout you’ve done before, or lift more weight, or complete a new gymnastic skill – there’s only one reason why: you got more fit. And, that feels amazing. Your hard work has been validated.
Diablo has a monthly PR board for a few reasons:
- It forces us to take stock of our accomplishments at the gym. Often we move on from a PR without much thought. Writing it down and ringing the bell helps us take a moment to self-reflect and memorialize the effort.
- PRs are an injection of energy that motivates you to keep going. A PR is validation – you are doing the right things.
- Seeing others’ accomplishments is a validation of our methodology and an inspiration to put in the work for ourselves.
So how do you make it onto the PR board? It takes effort & dedication.
- Show up at least 3-4 times a week.
- Keep up the intensity in your workouts!
- Don’t skip the strength progressions.
- Clean up your diet. You know what to do. If not, ask us.
- Get sleep.
- Get Private Training! A few sessions with a Diablo coach will help with skill work & lifts.
And, when your next PR happens, don’t forget to ring the bell.
One more thing.. speaking of PRs, our RX+ crew had a great day on Saturday.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: “Big Pharma would like you to keep consuming processed foods, sugar and alcoholic beverages. Thank you in advance.”
THE WEEK AHEAD: Check SugarWod For Daily Workouts – September Calendar & Newsletter
- Mon: Labor Day: 800m Run, 20 HS Cleans, 8 Rope Climbs, 20 HS Cleans, 800m Run
- Tue: Snatch. Metcon: Amrap 6m – 12 DB Snatch, 12 Lat Box Jump Over
- Wed: MUps. Metcon – 30,20,10: V-Ups, HR Pushups
- Thu: Back Squat. Max Air Bike Cal in 10m
- Fri: 5RFT – 20KB Swings, 5 Wall Walks, 3 Rope Climbs
- Sat: Amrap 16m – 200m Run, 15 T2B, 200 MB Run, 12 MB Box Step Ups
- Sun: 9/11 “Never Forget” – 2001m Row, then at min 9: Amrap 11m – 4 C&J, 12 DB Thrusters
Alana’s Song: My daughter took over my YTMusic. Hell’s Comin’ With Me
Song: (Last week.. bad link! Try this: She Likes It.)
CF Video: Intimidation
Influencer Tip: Well, not a tip, but damn funny.
- Prime Video: Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power. The scenery, costumes, casting & story match the blockbuster movies. Very impressive.
- HBO – House of the Dragon – GOT Prequel. Again, the production is incredible. Yvonne and I are loving the story as well.
Podcast: Get With The Programming: The Glassman Chipper #3: “What Is Fitness?” – Please, please listen to this one. CFG commentators, Chase Ingram and Bill Grundler break down the quintessential CrossFit publication from back in the day: “What Is Fitness?” – and they nail it! Their commentary is well-prepared and thoughtful and helps the listener understand the intent and some of the backstories behind the content, ie.,Tabata & the 10 Components of Fitness.
Article: (Not A Surprise) Ultra-processed Foods linked to cancer & early deaths – Add to the list, diabetes, hypogonadism (which leads to Low T), high blood pressure..
Research: Sugar disrupts microbiome, eliminates protection against obesity & diabetes. Fascinating! Gut biome matters. This finding may help us understand why obesity & diabetes is more likely for some than others. Sugar adds calories to a diet, which, in excess, is stored as fat. However, before that happens, it seems that sugar might be disrupting gut microbiome and eliminating protective bacteria – accelerating obesity & diabetes development. (Note: this study was on mice)
See you in class! Make it an awesome week.