Coach Amy Halperin is now Chief Halperin USCG.
“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” Mark Twain
Reason #1: CrossFit is experiencing a crisis of sorts in the US. Quite a few CrossFit affiliates (like so many gyms) were severely impacted by pandemic mandates and are now closing or, de-affiliating to reduce costs. CrossFit Training certifications slowed significantly due to similar pandemic restrictions. Ironically, demand for CrossFit is on the rise again as former members return to their fitness routines and new members come seeking a return to healthy living after a few years away. As a result of the growing demand many CrossFit affiliates are eager to hire qualified & certified coaches, especially part-time coaches. Coaching CrossFit either one-on-one or in a group class is an incredibly rewarding experience, and often, life-changing for the athlete and the coach.
Reason #2: Sadly, the overall health and lifespan of Americans has declined over the last several years, primarily due to our lifestyle habits related to diet and exercise. Many years ago the founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, warned us of the potential for a healthcare catastrophe as a result of the overwhelming amount of chronic disease in this country – and the pandemic proved him right. While CrossFit gyms are doing their part to reverse chronic diseases, we do not have the reach nor influence to stop the coming healthcare crisis that looms on the horizon. We need fundamental changes to our lifestyle that focus on healthy nutrition and exercise. As Glassman put it so succinctly, “get off the couch and off the carbs!” Education & training as many people as possible is essential to turning the tide for fitness & nutrition in this country. But we cannot wait for our schools or government! I truly believe the best education you can begin with for health & fitness is the CrossFit Level 1.
Reason #3: Pay it forward. If you’ve benefited from your experiences with CrossFit, getting your Level 1 Certification is an excellent way to set yourself up to pay it forward. You’ll have the confidence to coach your friends, your family.. your children on an incredible methodology that will change their lives for the better.
CrossFit Level 1 Courses
COACH AMY IS NOW CHIEF AMY: (from Diablo’s IG) Congratulations to Diablo Coach @zerotoamy on your appointment to U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer! Coach Amy / Chief Halperin was also selected by her peers & instructors for the Altus Tendo Award – given to 1 student in the graduating class who demonstrates strong relationship skills, high expectations for herself & her peers, high academic skills, character & health.
Owning a @crossfit affiliate is akin to being the patriarch or matriarch of a large family. And, one of the biggest joys is participating in the growth & success of our family. It was an honor (and emotional) to be able to watch Coach Amy achieve her new rank & award last night, standing with her awesome partner @courtneyhugs . Truly, events like this are among the greatest rewards of ownership.
COME WATCH DIABLO ATHLETES COMPETE THIS WEEKEND! Our Rx+ athletes will be throwing down at the Brethren Throwdown in Morgan Hill on Saturday, Sep 17th. We have Rx Men, Rx Women & Teens participating.
BAR MUSCLE UP CLINIC WITH COACH SANDY: October 1st, 2PM – $40. Coach Alessandra Pichelli is following up on her very successful ring muscle up clinic last month with her Bar Muscle Up Clinic. Reserve your spot on your Diablo app (Events/Clinics), or stop by the front desk.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: “I CrossFit because I am afraid of: dying, sickness, hospitals, not being able to protect my family or defend myself, not being able to help someone in need, setting a poor example for my daughter“
THE WEEK AHEAD: Check SugarWod For Daily Workouts – September Calendar & Newsletter
- Mon: Snatch. Metcon: Amrap 6m: Buy In – 200m Run. Then, 12 SDHP + 6 OHS
- Tue: BMU. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 12 HR Push Ups & 24 Abmat Situps
- Wed: 3x1m max reps: DB Hang Sq Clean, Box Jumps, DB PPress, Ca Row, Rest
- Thu: Weighted Pullups. Metcon: Amrap 11m – 200m SB Carry, 15 T2B, 10 DL (#155/225)
- Fri: Squat. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 Pistols, 8 Lat Burpees over bar, 4 HPC #105/155
- Sat: 5RFT – 6 Power Snatches, 400m Run #105/155
- Sun: Amrap 14m – 15/20c Bike, 12 Alt DB Snatch, 12 BJ
Device: Bilione Phone / Camera stand – $14.99. We have these in the gym. Not really portable, just damn easy to set up. Flat surface, done.
Song: Glitter & Gold (another Alana fav)
Podcast: Huberman Lab – Focus Toolkit – 90 minutes.. thats the ideal maximum focus time. In this cool episode, Dr. Huberman provides behavioral, nutritional, and supplement-based tools you can use to improve your ability to get into a focused state to do mental or physical work.
Article: Walking After Meals For Just 2 Minutes Is Enough To Lower Blood Sugar – I won’t stop advocating walks. Look, now it’s just 2 minutes of walking to have a positive effect.
Research: Artificial Sweetners Could Put You At Higher Risk for Heart Disease The study (published in the BMJ) involved more than 100,000 adults in France and found a potential link between consumption of artificial sweeteners and heart disease. The results showed that participants who consumed large amounts of aspartame (Equal & NutraSweet) in cereals, yogurt, candy and diet soda — had a higher risk of stroke than people who didn’t consume the sweetener. Similar results for sucralose (Splenda).
See you in class! Make it an awesome week.