MONDAY 3.12.18
Strength: Front Squat / Single-Arm Press
- Complete 5 sets of 3 Front Squats working between 75-80% of 1RM FS.
- Superset 5 Single Alternating Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell Press (each Arm) between sets of the Front Squat.
- Hold a pair of DBs or KBSs in the front rack, Press 1 at a time.
- Build to a challenging effort without compromising your trunk (Core) positioning.
Metcon: “Black & Blue” – Complete 5 rounds for time of:
- 10 Power Cleans #95/135 (M55: #115/75)
- 10 Burpees
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 7 rounds starting every 3rd minute:
- 200m Run
- 8 Kettlebell Swings
- 8 Burpees
Core: 3 Rounds of
- 25sec Right side Banded High / Low Chops to Hip
- 25sec Right side Banded High / Low Chops to Knee
- 10sec Rest
- 25sec Left side Banded High / Low Chops to Hip
- 25sec Left side Banded High / Low Chops to knee
- 10sec Rest
- 30sec Right Leg Glute Bridges
- 30sec Left Leg Glute Bridge
- 30sec Rest
Accessory: 2-3 Rounds
- 25 Seconds Y’s (Internal rotated shoulder)
- 25 Seconds T’s Ts (External rotated shoulder)
- 25 Seconds W’s
- 45 Second Supinated Barbell Bent over Rows (with a 3 Second Negative)
TUESDAY 3.13.18
Gymnastic Strength: Strict Pull-up Progression
>Choose one of the following progressions.
- 15-30sec Dead Hang Hold + 5-8 Strict Ring Rows (super tight Body Position)
- 10 Band Assisted (Start with a lot of assistance and if you are able to complete 10 Strict “Chin over Bar” Pull-ups, you can lower down to a smaller band
- 8-10 Strict Pull-ups.
- 5-8 Weighted Pull-ups
>Complete 5 rounds starting every minute on the minute – alternate A & B
- EMOM A: Choose 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the Pull-up Progressions
- EMOM B: 5-10 Deficit Push-ups
Metcon: Complete for time 15-12-9
- Toes-to-bar
- Box Jumps 20″/24″
- Calorie Row
Diablo Strong
- Power Snatch + Snatch Balance 3x(1+1)
- Snatch + 2-3sec Pause Squat 3×1 @ 80+%
- Snatch Pull 3×3 105%
- Back Squat 5×1 @ 80-90%
- Accessory: 3 Rounds of
- 10 GHD Sit-ups (modify sit up to Parallel)
- 10 Bent over T Bar Rows (With a rope)
Skill Warm-up: Rope Climb Practice
- Practice using your legs and footwork.
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time
- 20/30 Calorie Bike
- 15 Burp to a Target (no push-up)
- Both hands must touch the target to a pull-up bar or rings. The target must be just outside your reach.
- 2 Rope Climbs (5 Strict Laydowns)
- 20 Wall Balls #14-9’/20-10’
- 3-minute rest
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: 3 Rounds of 1-minute at each station/ Movement. Complete max reps with a decreasing Rest between working intervals.
- Burp Box Jump
- Wall Balls
- Row for calories
- Pull-ups (Strict)
- Rest intervals: After each round, decrease the rest by 30sec. 1st round= 60sec rest, 2nd round 30sec rest, 3rd and final round is no rest between stations.
Core: 3 Rounds
- 30sec laying down straight leg windshield wipers
- 10sec rest
- 30sec hanging L-sit twist
- 10sec rest
- 30sec Grasshoppers
- 10sec rest
Accessory: 2-3 rounds (rest of the time)
- 5 Right arm KB Low windmill (High if experienced)
- 10 Right arm KB Russian swing
- 5 Left-arm KB Low windmill (High if experienced)
- 10 Left-arm KB Russian swing
THURSDAY 3.15.18
Strength: 3 Position Snatch
- Snatch 1st Position + 2nd Position + Touch and go from the ground
- 3 Total squat snatches per set.
- Complete 5 sets working between 70-80% of 1RM.
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time
- 6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull #65/95
- 8 Front Squats
- 10 Push Press
Diablo Strong
- Power Clean + Squat + Strict Press + Push Press + Jerk 2x(1+1+1+1+1) Strong Effort
- Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 3x(1+1+1) @ complete the first set at 83%, then increase the last 2 sets for a strong effort. DO NOT FAIL
- Push Press 1 -1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 Building to a strong effort
- Double Kettlebell Farmer Carry Walking Lunges 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 steps working up to a strong effort.
- Complete 3 rounds of:
- 5-10 Strict Chin-ups
- 8-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Press
- 10-15 Dumbbell Lat Pullovers
FRIDAY 3.16.18
MOXIE: Friday Night Lights 18.3
Complete for time
>18.4 (9-minute
- 21 deadlifts
- 21 handstand push-ups
- 15 deadlifts (weight 1)
- 15 handstand push-ups
- 9 deadlifts (weight 1)
- 9 handstand push-ups
- 21 deadlifts (weight 2)
- 50-ft. handstand walk
- 15 deadlifts (weight 2)
- 50-ft. handstand walk
- 9 deadlifts (weight 2)
- 50-ft. handstand walk
- Visit Games.CrossFit.Com for more details
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time
- 800m Run
- 15 Toes to Bar
- 10 Overhead Squats #65/95
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 3 rounds starting every 3rd minute – alternating A & B
- 40 Double Unders
- 100m Farmer Carry
- 10 Dumbbell Press
- 10 Front Squats
- 10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
- 10 Dumbbell Deadlift
>Cash out with max plank hold.
Core: 5 rounds (go unbroken)
- 30s flutter kick
- 30s hollow body hold
- 30s hollow body rock
- 30s rest
Accessory: 2-3 rounds
- 10 (each side) Banded clams
- 30 Right single leg glute bridge lifts
- 30 Left single leg glute bridge lifts
- 15s rest
- 1min supine chinese plank (face up)
SATURDAY 3.17.18
PHILL: Main Event 18.3
>18.4 (9-minute time cap)
- 21 deadlifts
- 21 handstand push-ups
- 15 deadlifts (weight 1)
- 15 handstand push-ups
- 9 deadlifts (weight 1)
- 9 handstand push-ups
- 21 deadlifts (weight 2)
- 50-ft. handstand walk
- 15 deadlifts (weight 2)
- 50-ft. handstand walk
- 9 deadlifts (weight 2)
- 50-ft. handstand walk
- Visit Games.CrossFit.Com for more details
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time
- 800m Run
- 15 Toes-to-Bar
- 10 Overhead Squats #65/95
SUNDAY 3.18.18
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time
- 10/15 Bike
- 30sec L-Sit (Scale With Boxes) *Accumulate 30sec is sets of 10×3-second holds.
- 10 Hang Power Cleans #95/135
- Row 700m
- Rest 1 Minute
Diablo Strong
- Snatch 4×1 @81%
- Clean & Jerk 4×1 @ 84%
- Thruster from the Rack 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 (6×1) Strong effort
- Accessory: 3 rounds of
- 10-12 GHD Glute Ham Raises
- 15 Barbell Glute Bridge