MONDAY 3.19.18
Metcon: Complete for time:
>800m Run
Then, complete 3 rounds of
- 12 Kipping Pull-ups
- 12 Pistols (Alternating)
- 12 Box Jumps 20″/24″
>Finish with 400m Run
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 4 rounds starting every 5th minute. Rest from 1-minute at the end of 4 minutes of work.
- 10 Hang Power Clean
- 10 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge (5 each side standing in place)
- 10 Push Press
- 400m Run
- Max Strict Chin-ups until the 4th minute
- Rest 1-minute
Core: 3 rounds
- 45sec Right Side plank with hip lift
- 45sec Left Side plank with hip lift
- 30sec Hollow body rocks
- -30sec Rest-
Accessory: 2-3 rounds
- 5 Jefferson curls(25-35#)
- 15-20 Banded Hamstring Curl
- 8-10 Renegade Rows
TUESDAY 3.20.18
Strength: Squat Snatch + Overhead Squats
- Complete 5 sets of 2 Snatches + 2 Overhead Squat (Total 4 Squats)
- Start your first set around 75% and increase the load as long as you are able to maintain a good position
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 7-minutes of:
- 1 Wall Balls #14-9’/20-10′
- 1 Hang Power Snatch #65/95
- 2 Wall Balls
- 2 Hang Power Snatch
- 3 WB
- 3 HPS
- 4 WB, 4 HPS, 5, 5, 6, 6, etc.
Diablo Strong
>Max out week
- Sots Press 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
- Hang Snatch Build to a max effort
- Build to a 2 Rep Max Back Squat
*9 Weeks until Spring Classic
Strength: Front Squat + Shoulder to Overhead
- Complete 5 – 4 – 3 – 2- 1 building to a challenging effort.
- This will be a complex of a set of front squats then right into Shoulder-to-Overhead.
Metcon: Complete for time
- 1000m Row
- 2-minute rest
- 2x500m Row
- 1-minute rest between each set
- 4x250m
- 30-second rest between each set
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: “Fun with Tabata”
- Bike Or Row
- Dumbbell Thrusters / Supine Bridge
- Dumbbell Push-ups (Deficit) / Hollow Body Hold
- Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans / Front Rack Hold
Core: 3 Rounds
- 30 Seconds Supine Plated Windshield Wipers (hold plate overhead, allow to move side to side to help balance the legs)
- 15sec Rest
- 30sec Plate Sit (Keep plate overhead from a Supine position and then ending seated with plate pressed overhead)
- 15sec Rest
- 30sec Snow Angel
- 60sec Prone Plank
- 30sec Rest
Accessory: 2-3 Rounds
- 15Ys (External Rotation overhead)
- 15 Ts (External Rotation to the side)
- 15 Ws (Segmented, Elbows back External Rotation and then back down)
- 100m DB or KB Farmer Carry with moderate weight. (Should be able to hold shoulders in neutral and maintain the upright torso.)
THURSDAY 3.22.18
Gymnastic Strength: Strict Pull-up Progression
- 15-30sec Dead Hang Hold + 5-8 Strict Ring Rows (super tight Body Position)
- 10 Band Assisted (Start with a lot of assistance and if you are able to complete 10 Strict “Chin over Bar” Pull-ups, you can lower down to a smaller band
- 8-10 Strict Pull-ups.
- 5-8 Weighted Pull-ups
>Working with one of the progressions listed above. Complete 5 rounds starting every minute on the minute – alternate A & B
- EMOM A: Strict Pull-up Progression
- EMOM B: 5-8 Deficit Push-up or 3-5 Ring Dips.
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes
- 10 Toes-to-Bar
- 10 Single Arm Push Push Press #35/50 (5 each side, may break up and switch any time)
- 30 Double-unders
Diablo Strong
>Max out week
- Build to a Max Power Clean
- In 4 sets Find a Near Max Jerk From the Rack
- Should be working around 85-100% 1RM C&J
*9 Weeks until Spring Classic
FRIDAY 3.23.18
MOXIE: Friday Night Lights 18.5
WORKOUT 18.5 (Repeat 11.6 & 12.5) Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
- 3 thrusters
- 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 6 thrusters
- 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 9 thrusters
- 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 12 thrusters
- 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 15 thrusters
- 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 18 thrusters
- 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Skill: Power Clean Warm-up
Metcon: Complete for time:
- 800m Run
- 10 Power Cleans #105/155
- 600m Run
- 8 Power Cleans
- 400m Run
- 6 Power Cleans
- 200m Run
- 4 Power Cleans
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Go as far as possible in 20 Minutes
- 100m row
- 3 burpee
- 200m row
- 6 burpee
- 300m, 9 Burpees, 400m, 12 Burpees, etc
Core: 2 rounds
- 30sec L leg glute bridge lifts
- 30sec L leg glute bridge hold
- 30sec R leg glute bridge lifts
- 30sec R leg glute bridge hold
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Left side plank lift with DB on hip
- 30sec Left side plank hold with DB on hip
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Right side plank lift with DB on hip
- 30sec Right side plank hold with DB on hip
- 30sec rest-
Accessory: 3 rounds
- 7 R arm ring rows
- 7 L arm ring rows
- 2 Chin-up hold at top for 10sec with a 5 sec negative
(add weight if able)
SATURDAY 3.24.18
PHILL: Main Event 18.3
WORKOUT 18.5 (Repeat 11.6 & 12.5). Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
- 3 thrusters
- 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 6 thrusters
- 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 9 thrusters
- 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 12 thrusters
- 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 15 thrusters
- 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 18 thrusters
- 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Skill: Power Clean Warm up
Metcon: Complete for time:
- 800m Run
- 10 Power Cleans #105/155
- 600m Run
- 8 Power Cleans
- 400m Run
- 6 Power Cleans
- 200m Run
- 4 Power Cleans
SUNDAY 3.25.18
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 16-minutes
- 700m Row
- 10 Box Jumps 20″/24″
- 5 Burpee Box Jumps
Diablo Strong
>Winter Classic Rehearsal
- Oly total 3 Attempts at both Snatch and Clean & Jerk.
- Build to 75% for your first of 3 attempts at the snatch. Once you hit 75%, you may increase, but keep in mind, we are working for the overall total, so don’t waste yourself on the Snatch as you will C&J right after.
- Build to 78% of your max Clean & Jerk for your first attempt, then increase for the next 2.
- Limit yourself to 3 attempts each lift. If you miss your first attempt, then you only have 2 more to work with.
*9 Weeks until Spring Classic