MONDAY 1.8.18
Strength: Push Press: 5 sets @ 10-8-6-4-2
Metcon: complete 3 rounds for time:
- 10 Power Snatches #75/115 (M55: #55/95)
- 10 Box Jumps 20”/24“
- 500m Row
Conditioning: complete 4 rounds starting every 5th minute:
- 1-minute Plank
- 16 Single-arm Dumbbell Squat Clean (alt. every 4th rep)
- 200m Run with Dumbbell
- 50 Double-unders or Jump Rope skill work
Core: 3 rounds
- 45 sec Floor wipers (heavy barbell: take from rack or blocks)
- 15 sec rest
- 45 sec Floor windshield wipers
- 15 sec rest
- 30 sec (each sides) Standing weighted oblique crunch
- 15 sec rest
Accessory: 3 rounds
- 10 Nordic Curl (with a 3-5 sec negative)
- 10 Banded, weighted glute bridge (with a max hold on the last rep)
- 20 Partner hamstring curls
TUESDAY 1.9.19
Strength: Back Squat 5 sets of 5 reps @ 75-80% (high bar)
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes
- 20′ Handstand Walk (modify with 2 Wall-walks or 3×10′ Bear Crawls)
- 10 Wall balls #14-9’/#20-10′
- 10 Burpees
- Muscle Snatch 3 – 3 – 3
- Hang Snatch from 1st Position 4×2@ 75%
- 3 Position Snatch Pull 3×3 & 85-95%.
- Single-arm Dumbbell (or KB) Overhead Walking Lunge 3×8 each side
Strong Accessory: 3 rounds of
- 30sec Flutter Kicks
- 30sec Tuck ups
- 30sec Bicycle Kicks
- 30sec Side Plank (each side)
- 60sec Chinese Plank
- Rest as needed
Strength: Complete 5 rounds of:
- 30sec Max Strict Pull-ups
- 30sec Max Toes-to-bar
- 1-minute Plank
- 1-minute Rest
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time:
- 15/20 Calorie Bike
- 200m Farmer Carry 30/45# (M55:#25/#40)
- 10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
- 30 sec rest
Conditioning: Complete 4 rounds starting every 2nd minute – alternate A & B:
- 6 Strict Pull-ups
- 8 Handstand Push-ups
- 12 Wall Balls
- 15/20 Cal Row
- 15 Toes-to-Bar
- Cash Out: 200m Bumper Plate Overhead Carry
Core: 3 rounds
- 30 sec R-side plank
- 30 sec L-side plank
- 1 min straight arm reverse plank (with feet on a bench)
- 30 sec rest
- 1 min Plank to Pike on Rower
- 30 sec rest
Accessory: 3-4 rounds
- 10 L-side Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
- 10 R-side Bulgarian Split Squats
- 5 Jefferson curls
- 3 min wall sit
THURSDAY 1.11.18
Metcon: complete as many rounds possible in 23 minutes:
- 35 Double-unders
- 7 Handstand Push-ups (modify: pike push-ups or heavy dumbbell press)
- 14 Alternating Pistols (modify: single leg step-up to a tall box)
- 700m Row
- 1 min rest
- Squat Clean Thruster 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 (strong effort)
- Power Clean 4×2 @ 75-80% C&J
- Clean Pull + Floating Clean Pull 4x(1+1) @80-85% C&J
- Front Squat 4×3 @ 79-84% FS
- Pause Jerk + Jerk 4x(1+1) @ 73-78% C&J
FRIDAY 1.12.18
Strength: Power Clean 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 (strong effort)
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 8-minutes:
- 200m Run
- 12 Kipping Pull-ups (Rx+: C2B)
- 200m Run
- 21 Kettlebell Swings #35/53 (Rx+: #53/70)
Conditioning: Complete 3 rounds every 2nd minute on the minute – alternate A & B:
- 200m Run
- 21 Kettlebell Swings
- 200m Run
- 12 Pull-ups
- At minute 13: Run 800m (cash-out)
Core: 4 rounds
- 45 sec Plate Sit-ups with a 5 sec negative
- 15 sec rest
- 45 sec Roll-outs with a 3 sec hold (on the out position)
- 15 sec rest
- 45 sec V-ups/tuck-ups with a 5 sec negative
- 15 sec rest
Accessory: 5 rounds
- 30 sec Plie squats (weighted if possible)
- 30 sec Plie squat hold at bottom
- 15 sec rest
- 30 sec Military press DB
- 30 sec Overhead hold
- 15 sec rest
SATURDAY 1.13.18
- 100/150m at 500m pace with S/R @ or below 20s/m.
- 100/150m at 500m pace with S/R @ 25s/m
- 100/150m at 500m pace with S/R @ 30s/m
$25 is all it takes to enter Row’d Royalty and each week you are entered to win 1 of 5 rowers just for submitting a score.
Metcon: RR 18.1 (RR 2016 Floater) for time:
- 1000m Row
- Rest 2 minutes
- 750m Row
- Rest 1 minute
- 500m Row
- Rest 30 seconds
- 250m Row
Score: Total Time without the Rests. Make sure to submit scores at by 5:00pm PST.
Take a PHOTO of the memory screen to Submit to Row’d Royalty.
Menu > New Workout > Intervals > Intervals Variable
Interval 1: Distance 1000m (be sure to set rest!)
Interval 2: Distance 750m (change distance & rest)
Interval 3: Distance 500m (change distance & rest)
Interval 4: Distance 250m (change distance & set rest to “0”)
- Snatch 4×1 @ 80%
- Clean & Jerk 3x(2+1) @75%
- Push Press + Bent over Rows 3x 10+10 @strong effort
- Back Squat 4×3 @ 80-85%
- Accessory: 3 Rounds
- 10-12 GHR
- 8 Bulgarian Split Squats (dumbbells at side)
SUNDAY 1.14.18
Strength: Back Squat (High Bar): Complete 4 sets of 4 reps at 80-85%
Metcon: complete 3 or 5 rounds for time of
- 12 Wall balls 14-9”/20-10′
- 8 Burpees
- 4 Box Jumps Step Down 24”/30″