Full workout descriptions, coaching notes, scaling guides and modifications for members can be found on Sugarwod.
MONDAY 1.22.18
Skill: Power Snatch technique
- Over several sets, build to the Metcon weight requirement or slightly above
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 15-minutes of:
- 5 Power Snatch #95/135 (M55: #75/115)
- 10 Box Jumps 20”/24”
- 15 Burpees
- 1-minute Rest
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: E2MOMx10 – Complete 10 rounds of the following, starting every 2nd minute
- 2 Burpees
- 6 Dumbbell Thrusters
- 100m Farmer Carry
Core: 5 rounds (11:30)
- 30 sec Grasshoppers
- 30 sec V-ups
- 30 sec Med ball Sit-up Throws
- 60sec rest
Accessory: 3 rounds
- 10 Y,T,W (weighted #2.5-5)
- 10 reverse snow angels
- 10 straight arm banded lat pull down
- 10 banded bicep curls (place the banded low on the rig and curl it up like a barbell)
TUESDAY 1.23.18
Strength: Back Squat (High Bar) + Accessory work
- Complete 2 sets of 2 at 95-100%
Accessory: 3 rounds of:
- 5-8 Bulgarian Split Squat (back foot on a box)
- Banded Walk 30’ forward and backward
- Banded “Good Mornings”
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 9-minutes of:
- 10 Farmer Carry Walking Lunges (5 each leg) #35-50 (M55: #25/#40)
- 10 Air Squats
- 200m Run
- 20 Abmat Sit Ups
Diablo Strong
D-Load Testing Week
- Sots Press 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 (Strong Effort) – modify with a box progression.
- Power Snatch 4×2 & 60-65%
- Snatch Balance 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Gymnastic Strength: E2MOM x 12 – Complete 3 rounds starting every 2nd minute – alternating A and B
> E2MOM A:
- 30sec Max Strict Chin Ups
- 30sec Max Kipping Pull ups
- 30sec Max Dead Hang
- 30sec Rest
> E2MOM B:
- 30sec Right Side Plank
- 30sec Prone Plank (Face Down)
- 30sec Left Side Plank
- 30sec Prone Plank
Metcon: Complete for time:
- 900/1000m Row
- 8 Dumbbell Strict Press #35/50 (M55:#25/40)
- 500m Row
- 12 Dumbbell Push Press — Same
- 250m Row
- 16 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead — Same
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: “Fun with Tabata”. Complete 8 total rounds (4 each) of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest of the following alternating movements:
- Bike / Bike
- Sit up / Plank
- Wall ball / No Leg Wall ball (Strict shoulder toss)
- Jump Rope / Burps (No Push-up Burpee)
Core: 3 rounds (14:30)
- 30 sec L-glute bridge lifts (up and down)
- 30 sec L-glute bridge hold
- 30 sec R-glute bridge lifts (up and down)
- 30 sec R-glute bridge hold
- -30 sec rest-
- 1 min Chinese Plank
- 1 min Prone Plank
Accessory: 3 rounds
- 12 Cossack Lunges (6 each side)
- 12 Goblet Front Rack Lunge (6 each side)
- 15 Banded Clams
THURSDAY 1.25.18
Skill: Clean & Jerk E90O90x10
- Complete 1 Clean & Jerk every 90 seconds for 10 rounds. (Total time: 15 minutes)
Metcon: Complete for time:
- 28/33 Calorie Assault Bike
- 2-minute rest
- 14/22 Calorie Assault Bike
- 1-minute Rest
- 7/11 Calorie Bike
Diablo Strong
D-Load week. If you are not able to make the Saturday session, max out Clean & Jerk today.
- Power Clean + Jerk 5×1 @ 65-70% (Slow Recovery on the Jerk)
- Front Squat 5×1 @ 65-70%
- Mobilize and Chill out
FRIDAY 1.26.18
Skill: Max Broad Jump Test
- Complete 4 attempts at a max effort Broad
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 15 minutes of
- 10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean #35/50 (M55: #25/40)
- 15 Dumbbell Deficit Push-ups – Same
- 20 Box Jump Over 20″/24″
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete four 4-minute AMRAPs. Rest 1-minute between after each 4 min interval. Pick up where you left off each rest.
- Buy-in: 400m Run
- 7 Burpees
- 14 Wall Balls (10-8’/14-9’/20-10′)
Core: 3 rounds (8:30)
- 30 sec Ring rows with feet hip height
- -30 sec rest-
- 30 sec Lower body arch ups (just lifting the legs)
- 30 sec Upper body arch ups (just lifting the chest)
- 30 sec Full body arch ups (legs and chest lift at the same time)
- -30 sec rest-
Accessory: 5 rounds
- 7 Military press with DB
- 10 Seated pike leg lifts
- 10 seated straddle leg lifts
SATURDAY 1.27.18
Skill: Banded Partner Sprints
Metcon: “Helen” (Benchmark) Complete 3 rounds for time of:
- 400m Run
- 21 Kettlebell Swings 35/53#
- 12 Pull ups
Diablo Strong
- Build to a 1 rep max clean & jerk.
Skill: EMOMx10 min
- Odd: 5 Chest to bar pull-ups
- Even: 6-10 Kipping HSPU
Metcon: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
- 3 Squat Snatch #155/115 (M55: #115/75)
- 4 Overhead Squat – #same
- 50 Double Unders
5 min rest then,
Swole Session: 3 sets of
- 5 Sumo Deadlifts (70-75% of max)
- 10 DB Bulgarian Split squats each leg
- 15 DB Curl to overhead press
SUNDAY 1.28.18
Metcon: In teams of 3 complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of
- 70 Calorie Assault Bike
- 30 Hang to overhead (snatch or clean & jerk) 55/75#
- 400m Sandbag Run 60/80# – modify bag as needed
- 3 Rope Climbs – modify 2 laydowns = 1 Rope Climb
Or, in teams of 2, complete as many rounds possible in 20 minutes of:
- 40 Calorie Assault Bike
- 20 Hang to overhead (snatch or clean & jerk) 55/75#
- 200m Sandbag Run 60 / 80 – modify bag as needed
- 2 Rope Climbs or 2 Laydowns = 1 Rope Climb