MONDAY 5.7.18
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 16-minutes
- 7 Push Press #95/135
- 7 Burpee Over Bar
- 7 Strict Pull-ups
- Complete a 400m run at the start, and at the beginning of minutes 5 & 10
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 4 rounds starting every 5th minute
- Row 500m
- 20 Med Ball Sit ups
- 20 Med Ball Step ups (Bear Hug Ball)
Core: 3 rounds
- 30sec R-side plank with feet on a bench with lower leg ADDuction!
- 30sec L-side plank with feet on a bench with lower leg ADDuction!
- 1min straight arm reverse plank (with feet on a bench)
- 30sec rest
- 1min Plank to Pike on Rower
- 30sec rest
Accessory: 5 rounds
- 10 L-side Bulgarian split squats
- 10 R-side Bulgarian split squats
- 5 Jefferson curls (35/45lbs)
- Then…
- 3-minute wall sit (accumulate the time)
TUESDAY 5.8.18
Strength: Front Squat
- Complete 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 Starting at 65-70%
- Increase to find a 2 Rep Max
Metcon: Complete 4 rounds starting every 3rd minute
- 7/10 Calorie Bike (Cap it at 50sec)
- 12 High Wall Balls #14/20-11′ Target
- Score each round separately
Diablo Strong
- Snatch High Pull + Position 1 Snatch + OHS 3x(1+1+1) up to 70%
- Snatch 2×1 @ 75% – 2×1 80% – 1 @ 85-88% – 1 @ 90%
- 3 Position Snatch Pull + Snatch Pull 3x(2+1) @ 95-105%
- Pause 2sec at position 3-2-1
- Stop at position 1 keeping your shoulders over the bar
- Back Pause Squat 5×1 @ 80%
- 2 Second Pause in the bottom (NO bouncing out of the whole
- Complete 3 rounds of:
- 10 Glute Hamstring Raises right into 30sec Static Hold
- 8 Barbell Good Mornings (20-30% of today’s Snatch Pull- Complex)
- 4 High Box Jumps
Strength: Snatch Complex
- Complete 5 sets of Snatch High Pull + 1st Position Snatch + Snatch
- Work between 75-85%
- Drop the weight after the Pos.1 Snatch, and reset for the second rep.
Metcon: Complete 5 rounds for time
- 10 Deadlift #155/225
- 10 Box Jump 20″/24″
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 10 rounds starting every 2nd minute
- 5 Dumbbell Thrusters
- 100m Farmer Carry
Core: 3 rounds
- 30sec Barbell rollouts (#15 weights on the bar)
- 15sec rest-
- 30sec Left side plank with hip lift
- 15sec rest-
- 30sec Right side plank with hip lift
- 15sec rest
- 60sec Plank with alternating reach
- 30sec rest
Accessory: 3-4 rounds
- 10 Bent over row (DB)
- 20sec chin up hold (chin over bar)
- 10 Standing Straight arm Front plate raise (#15, 25, 40. Must be able to maintain Control and shoulders back and down through the range of motion)
THURSDAY 5.10.18
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 23-minutes
- 1000m Row
- 16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #35/50
- 10 Single Dumbbell Walking Lunges
- 100m Single Arm DB Farmer Carry
Diablo Strong
- Tall Cleans + Pause Jerks @ 3x(2+2)
- Cleans 4×2 @ 84%
- Jerk 5×1 @ 86%
- Duel Kettlebell Carry Complex
- 40′ Overhead Carry
- 40′ Front Rack Walking Lunge
- 80 Farmer Carry
- Accessory: 3 rounds
- 8-10 Plyo Plate Push-ups (Alternate push-up from one hand on a plate and switch hands)
- 8-10 Strict Chin Ups
- 15 Banded Triceps Extension
FRIDAY 5.11.18
“Murph” Prep: Complete 3 rounds starting every minute on the minute – rotate through the following movements
- 25-35 Double Under (If you have double unders, do all singles)
- 8-10 Pull-ups
- 10-15 Push-ups
- 15-20 Air Squats
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes.
- 7/10 Calorie Bike or Row
- 8 Hang Power Clean #95/135
- 8 Shoulder-to-overhead
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: “Fun with Tabata”
>Complete a 4 minute Tabata for each movement – 8 rounds of 20sec on, 10sec off.
- Jump Rope (Double Unders, single unders, crossover, etc)
- KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (#53/#70) / Supine Bridge
- Push-ups / Air Squats
- Dead bugs / Heel Touches
- Complete 4 rounds of the Active/Static (dynamic) movement
Core: 3 rounds
- 30sec L-glute bridge lifts (up and down)
- 30sec L-glute bridge hold
- 30sec R-glute bridge lifts (up and down)
- 30sec R-glute bridge hold
- 30sec rest
- 60sec Chinese Plank
Accessory: 3 rounds
- 12 Cossack Lunges (6 each side)
- 12 Goblet Front Rack Lunge (6 each side)
- 15 Banded Clams
SATURDAY 5.12.18
Metcon: Complete 4 rounds starting every 5th minute
- 400m Run
- 10 Toes-to-bar
- 100m Bear Hug Sandbag Carry #60/80 (Modify with Heavy Med Ball or 2 Med Balls)
- Score the slowest round
Diablo Strong
- Snatch 4×1 @ 85-95%
- Clean & Jerk 4×1 @ 88-93%
- Front Squat 6×1 @ 90%
- Push Press + Bent Over Rows 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
- Laying in a Prone Position, Complete the following reps with 2-3 second hold
- 10 Ys
- 10Ws
- 10 A’s
- 10-15 Dumbbell Lat Pullover (Complete 15 reps, increase the weight #5-10)
SUNDAY 5.13.18
Strength: Front Pause Squat
- Complete 5 sets of 2 reps working between 70-80%
- Pause 3-5 seconds in the bottom of the squat. No bouncing into or out of the bottom
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 8-minutes
- 8 Hang Power Snatch #95/135
- 8 Overhead Squats
- 8 Back Squats