MONDAY 5.14.18
Strength: Clean & Jerk
- Complete 5 sets of 1 Clean + 2 Jerks working between 75-85%
Metcon: Complete as many reps as possible with an 8-minute clock.
- 1-minute of Power Cleans #95/135 (M50:#75/115)
- 1-minute of Jerks #95/135 (M50: #75/115)
- 2-minutes of Power Cleans
- 2-minutes of Jerks
- 1-minutes of Power Cleans
- 1-minutes of Jerks
- Score total reps.
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: 3 Rounds of 1-minute at each station/ Movement. Complete max reps with a 30-second Rest between working intervals.
- Bike
- Wall Balls
- Row for calories
- Pull-ups (Strict)
Core: 3 rounds
- 30sec L leg glute bridge lifts
- 30sec L leg glute bridge hold
- 30sec R leg glute bridge lifts
- 30sec R leg glute bridge hold
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Left side plank lift with DB on hip
- 30sec Left side plank hold with DB on hip
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Right side plank lift with DB on hip
- 30sec Right side plank hold with DB on hip
- 30sec rest
Accessory: 4-5 rounds
- 7 R arm ring rows
- 7 L arm ring rows
- 5 reps of 3-2-1 Tempo Push-ups
TUESDAY 5.15.18
“Murph” Prep: Complete 4 rounds starting every minute on the minute Complete
- 30-40 Double Under
- 10-15 Pull-ups
- 15-20 Push-ups
- 20-25 Air squats
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15-minutes
- 1000m Row
- 2-minute rest
Diablo Strong
Taper Week. Working with much lighter volume this week leading into the Spring Classic Saturday. We are going to work up to a max Front Squat today to hit some Intensity with 4 days to rest leading into the meet.
- Build Max to a max Front squat
Skill Warm-up: Snatch EMOM
- Take 7-minutes and work on a Snatch Pull + A Floating Snatch (Lower bar to just off the ground, and complete the snatch)
- Complete 1 rep every minute on the minute for 7-minutes.
- If doing the Spring Classic take 4-6 attempts with no EMOM.
Metcon: 4 Rounds
- 5 Deadlifts #155/225 (M50+ #125/205)
- 15 Dumbbell Push Press #35/50 (M50: #25/35)
- 400m Run
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: “Fun with Tabata”
>Complete a 4 minute Tabata for each movement – 8 rounds of 20sec on, 10sec off.
- Dumbbell Deadlift / Farmer Carry Hold
- Dumbbell Hang clean / Front Rack Hold
- Dumbbell Push Press / Overhead Hold (Maybe don’t go max reps on the push press)
- Jump Rope / Jump rope
- Complete 4 rounds of the Active/Static (dynamic) movement
Core: 4-5 rounds (go unbroken until the rest)
- 10 plate sit ups with a 5 sec negative
- 10 plate around the worlds (5 each way)
- 10 plate hollow body rocks (hold the plate with straight arms up towards the ceiling or over your head)
- 1min rest
Accessory: Complete 2-3 rounds of
- 15 Prone Ys
- 15 Prone Ts
- 15 Prone Ws
- 15 Prone As
THURSDAY 5.17.18
Strength: Front Squat
- 6×2 @ 80%
Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time
- 15 Toes to Bar
- 20 Wall Balls #14-9’/20-10′
Diablo Strong
Taper Week. Today, we are going to grease the groove to work out any kinks while working with some lightweight.
- Build up and hit your opening weight for 2-3 attempts of both the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk.
- Limit the total reps you take today if competing in Spring Classic.
FRIDAY 5.18.18
Metcon: Complete 5 rounds starting every 4th minute
- 35 Double Unders
- 15 Ring Rows (Feet are parallel with the Rings)
- 12 Front Rack Walking Lunges #35/50 (M50: #25/35)
- 100m Dumbbell Front Rack Carry
- Score each round separately
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 4 rounds starting every 5th minute
- 50′ Walking Lunges
- 200m Run
- 25 Abmat Sit-ups
- Max Strict Pull-ups
- No built-in rest. Complete pull-ups until the start of the next round.
Core: 3 rounds
- 30sec Right side plank with upper trunk rotation
- 30sec Left side plank with upper trunk rotation
- 30sec Grasshoppers
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Barbell Rotation
- 15sec rest
Accessory: 4 rounds
- 10 Straight arm banded lat pulldowns (round body shape)
- 10 Banded Single Leg hamstring curls (5 per leg)
- 20 Right legs glute bridge lifts (weighted with a DB on hip)
- 20 Left leg glute bridge lifts (same weight)
SATURDAY 5.19.18
Weightlifting Total
- 1 Rep Max Snatch
- and/or
- 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk
Metcon: Tabata Bike AND Row
- 8 rounds max calorie Row or Ride
- 20 seconds of work
- 10 seconds of rest
>Rest 2 minutes
- 8 rounds max calorie Row or Ride
- 20 seconds of work
- 10 seconds of rest
Diablo Strong
SUNDAY 5.20.18
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 17-minutes
- 12 Pull-ups
- 10 Burpees
- 12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #35/50 (M50: #25/35)
- 10 Box Jump Over 20″/24″