April 2022

Pond Skim. No Rep! Masters Results. Tony Hawk is a stud. Cold ain’t hot. ADHD. Soap. The Week Ahead 4.25.22

Diablo’s 54yo Chris McCrary “sends it” Captain America style at the Sugarbowl Pond Skim. Click for the video! Either I will find a way, or I will make one.” Philip Sidney TWISI (The Way I See It): Standards matter. With the increase in video verifications for workouts in the CrossFit Games Open & Quarterfinals, some appalling and […]

Pond Skim. No Rep! Masters Results. Tony Hawk is a stud. Cold ain’t hot. ADHD. Soap. The Week Ahead 4.25.22 Read More »

The Peloton Commute. Time for Masters & Teens. GenZ & Oly. Plastics. Outlaws. TWA 4.18.22

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin TWISI (The Way I See It): According to the NY Times (see below), people are “breaking up” with Peloton for myriad reasons, mostly to return to working out in gyms. As a result, Peloton is suffering. This is not something that gym

The Peloton Commute. Time for Masters & Teens. GenZ & Oly. Plastics. Outlaws. TWA 4.18.22 Read More »

Añejo=”So Close”, WeTakeBitcoin, 4/5 Stars, Weekly Challenge, Open Air Drug Mkts, WeCrashed, Cold H2O TWA 4.11.22

https://youtu.be/tTpoOHCPfzI Coach Cole hits a #275 PR Clean & Jerk – the last bar in the CFG Qtr Final Workout #3 – after failed attempts 2 days prior. Jackson puts the icing on the cake, with a Power C&J. “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Mary Schmich TEAM OH SO CLOSE!  This weekend Diablo’s Añejo Team competed

Añejo=”So Close”, WeTakeBitcoin, 4/5 Stars, Weekly Challenge, Open Air Drug Mkts, WeCrashed, Cold H2O TWA 4.11.22 Read More »

Lazy is in our DNA. Añejo: Team Time. Ptolemy. Drinking & Sleeping. The Week Ahead 4.4.22

Diablo Añejo:  (top) Alessandra Pichelli, Cole Gravitt, (bottom) Beth Stankevich, Jackson Miller “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”  Bruce Lee LAZY IS IN OUR DNA  Our early ancestors did not exercise. In fact, the only energy expenditure by early man was likely spent hunting, gathering, fighting, reproducing

Lazy is in our DNA. Añejo: Team Time. Ptolemy. Drinking & Sleeping. The Week Ahead 4.4.22 Read More »