Deep Practice. 5k Club. The Games. Rolling Deep. Fall Classic. Talent Code. Protein!

“Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens—and when it happens, it lasts,”Dan Coyle, The Talent Code IN THIS EMAIL Deep Practice Gains from 5000 Watch The Games SGT Waitlist Rolling Deep Fall Classic Talent Code Protein! DEEP PRACTICE… There are several […]

TWA 7.22.24

OG Member & Firefighter Darren Rosten flashes the “Diablo Horns” with our first outdoor sign. This sign now hangs indoor at our current location. Cool fact: Darren was one of Diablo’s CrossFit’s first Games athletes, competing as an individual in 2009 after winning the Northern California Regional held in Aromas,. “Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take […]

Male bonding. Ozemgovy. El Diablo. Games Intros. Alcohol Truths. TWA 7.08.24

Coming to Diablo?!Recently joined OG Jason Khalipa’s Saturday Morning Men’s Club outdoor workout & coffee: bringing men together for fitness, camaraderie and conversations. “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” Tony Robbins IN THIS EMAIL OZEMPGOVY You Got This The “El Diablo” Sled Castro’s Games Athlete […]