Work hard. If the results depend on effort, then you will carry yourself far. If results depend on effort and luck, then you will be focused on the area you can influence. If results depend on luck alone, then the outcome is random, but you will have won the battle with yourself. James Clear

IN-HOUSE WEIGHTLIFTING COMP! Diablo Winter Classic: Saturday, Dec 7th at 12PM! ALL LEVELS WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED! Diablo’s Classic Weightlifting events are intended to introduce the sport of Olympic Weightlifting to our community. Yes, it’s a bit nerve-racking, but the experience is awesome and supportive for everyone. And, it’s very addictive.
100,000 METER CHALLENGE HAS BEGUN!: For the last 3 years, members of the Diablo community have come together to support a fantastic charity event that requires the completion of 100,000 meters via rowing, running, swimming, biking or ski erging between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
If you see your fellow gym members on a rower or bike after class, chances are, they’re in the challenge! Diablo CrossFit finished near the top of the leaderboard last year and we’d like to top that performance. We’ll be hosting movie nights at the gym to help push our team to the top. Follow the action in the Diablo Community Facebook group.
100KMC Movie Night Dates (& Times):
- Thu Dec 5th 7:30PM
- Thu Dec 12th 7:30PM
- Thu Dec 19th 7:30PM
Register for the 100KMC here. Then start moving and join the fun!
HEADS UP! LATE CANCEL FEE IN 2020: Beginning in 2020, we will be charging a late-cancel fee ($10) if you cancel a class reservation within 12 hours of start time, or if you fail to sign in. Why?
- If someone fails to cancel a class reservation, another member cannot take the spot.
- During busy class times, we usually experience 2-4 cancellations immediately prior to class. Unfortunately, that’s not enough time for another member to fill in the empty spot.
- Back-to-back class reservations (in order to guarantee a space) prevent others from reserving a space in class. We will cancel the 1st reservation and assess a late-cancel fee. The 2nd reservation will remain.
Cancel fees for the year will be contributed to Diablo’s year-end Holiday party.
Please, only reserve a space in class if you intend to come. And if your plans change, immediately cancel your reservation so someone else can fill your spot.
WEEKEND HOURS & HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Weekend AM classes are now on the half-hour! On Saturdays, we’ve added an extra class beginning at 7:30AM.
Our Holiday Schedule has been published on our app and Mindbody. We are closed on Christmas Day and a shorter schedule on Christmas eve, the day after Christmas, New Years Eve & New Years Day.
FINISH THE YEAR STRONG! JOIN OUR INTERMITTENT FAST CHALLENGE! – Join anytime until Dec 31: There is a ton of new research on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting or “Time Restricted Eating” Check out the blog post for all the information, then log your daily fast on Sugarwod. Also, click on the TRE event in our FB Community group to share your experiences and get questions answered.
ROW’D ROYALTY 2020 BEGINS JANUARY 16th! Register now for our amazing online rowing competiton!
PROGRAMMING: For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod. Please check out our monthly preview video & progression calendar. It’s all on our blog here.
December Progressions!
- Primary: Deadlift
- Secondary: Strict Press into Push Press
- Skills: Pistol & Handstand Push-up Progressions
Notable Workouts this Month:
- Cindy or Mary
- 12 Days of Christmas
- Deadlift test!
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
The Zen of Weightlifting, NY Times, Brad Stulberg. Its sometimes difficult to explain the mental benefits of weightlifting to someone who has never spent time working with a barbell. This article does a fantastic job and is a must-read for all of us: “The perennial wisdom traditions and decades of psychological research point to three basic needs that, when fulfilled, allow people to thrive. Weight lifting offers all three in full:
- Autonomy: The ability to exert oneself independently and have control over one’s actions.
- Mastery: A clear and ongoing path of progress that can be traced back to one’s efforts.
- Belonging: Being part of a community, lineage or tradition that is working toward similar goals.”
Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide, Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, and an Oxford professor. His book, Outgrowing God is an impressive, scientific look at religion and God. You will need an open mind and a belief in science to enjoy this book. If you are deeply religious, I urge caution. I was raised in the Episcopal church and attended a Catholic (Jesuit) Highschool and University, but I found this book very entertaining, very educating, and well-presented. Prof Dawkins challenges many of the popular beliefs and dogma of Christianity, Judiasm, Islam and others using a basic scientific logic.
Make it a great week!