The Week Ahead 11.24.19

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” J. Krishnamurti


Beginning, Saturday, November 30th, week-end morning classes will move to the half-hour & we will add an additional CrossFit class (limit 14 members) on Saturday at 7:30A.

Beginning 11/30, our new weekend class schedule will be:


  • 7:30A CrossFit (NEW!)
  • 8:30A CrossFit
  • 9:00A Strong
  • 9:30A CrossFit
  • 10:30A CrossFit
  • 11:00A Rx+/Anejo
  • 1:00P CrossFit
  • 2:00P CrossFit


  • 8:30A CrossFit
  • 9:30A CrossFit
  • 10:30A CrossFit

TURKEY TROT – RAIN OR SHINE!!  Our 12th-ish TOTALLY UNOFFICIAL TURKEY TROT  will happen on Thanksgiving Day at at Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez – 8:30AM – 9:30, no matter the weather. If it rains, it will be a bit messy and muddy, and a hell of a lot of fun. Please join us!!

Check out our Turkey Trot Event Page for details. Bring your family & friends!  We’ll have a 3-4k-ish trail run with obstacles and a “stroller” alternative for families.


There is a ton of new research on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting or “Time Restricted Eating” Check out the blog post for all the information, then log your daily fast on Sugarwod.

IN-HOUSE WEIGHTLIFTING COMP! Diablo Winter Classic – Saturday, Dec 7th at 12PM.

PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod 

  ⚬ Mon: Tabata – DUs, L-Sit, Strict Pull-Ups, HS Hold, Row
  ⚬ Tue: Deadlift deload work + Amrap 9m of 6 Devil Press, 8 Box Step-ups, 100m FCarry
  ☺ Wed: 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Row, Sit-Ups
  ⚬ Thu: TURKEY TROT! – Gym Closed
  ⚬ Fri: Front Squat Test + For time, 30 Ohs (#96/65), 15 Bmu, 20 Ohs, 10 Bmu
 😭Sat: EMO4Mx5 – 12/18c Bike, 10 Deadlift (#255/165), 15 Box Jumps. Score: slowest rnd.
  ⚬ Sun: 10,9,8..3,2,1 – Pull-ups, DB HSClean, Front Rack Walking Lunge

CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)

  • The Game Changers – Netflix. Produced by James Cameron & Arnold Schwarzenegger & other celebs. This is a well-produced “documentary” created to change perceptions about the vegan diet for sports performance. The stories are interesting and compelling, but the science is questionable. I’ll withhold opinion, except to say that anecdotal evidence should not replace clinical trials. And, if so, should include experiences from athletes who had different or the opposite reaction (there are several). At the end of the day, eating real, whole food is far healthier than consuming processed foods.

  • Joe Rogan with Chris Kresser: Debunking The Game Changers. This was a fascinating episode with one of my favorites: Chris Kresser is one of the most respected educators in the fields of Functional Medicine and ancestral health. Chris spend a lot of time breaking down the claims of the Game Changers movie and backing his arguments with science. The bottom line, supplementation is a necessity on vegan diet in order to obtain the essential nutrients needed for health and longevity, let alone sports performance. Plant proteins are much different than animal proteins and larger volumes are required for muscle growth and performance improvements. Chris is based in Berkeley. I spent a lot of time on the phone with him in 2014 & 2015 after my cardiologist strongly recommended statins to reduce my cholesterol. Chris help educate me on the role of cholesterol and helped me change my nutrition to improve my blood work and health – and prevent taking statins.

  • The Filthy 150 – The 1st CrossFit Games Sanctional of the 2020 Season. This event was one of the best produced events I’ve seen! It took place this weekend in Dublin, Ireland and several big name athletes were on hand.  Results from Morning Chalkup

  • CROSSFIT SETTLES LAWSUIT WITH HHS AFTER AGENCY RELEASES EMAILS SHOWING CONTINUED EFFORTS TO CONCEAL DONATIONS – While this is not relevant to our daily CrossFit workout, it is a really significant piece of news for all Americans. It also makes me very proud to be associated with CrossFit. These battles come with a significant financial cost and, frankly, little opportunity for a reciprocal return on investment. However, the long term benefit for future generations is priceless. The CDC and NIH have been hiding donations from the beverage and pharmaceutical industry for many years – which calls into question the validity of related published research from both organizations – that influences the care and treatment for all Americans. CrossFit was able to expose the gross cover up by the Department of Health & Human Services and force them to properly disclose donations and evidence of cover up in the past. 

  • #fartgate: on the lighter side of things, this was perhaps one of the funniest things ever discussed on Twitter.

Make it an awesome week!
