“Not having the best situation but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.” Marie Forleo
CLOSURE UPDATE: It is very likely that our Shelter-In-Place closure will extend until April 30th. While I’m saddened, it is reassuring to know that we are helping to reduce the impact of the virus. Yvonne & I sincerely look forward to the day when we open again. I think it might be a little like this.
Long-term outlook: most experts I’ve spoken to expect the Country to experience a short, but severe recession with up to 20% unemployment. Everyone is hopeful that the stimulus package does the job protecting those who need it the most, and restarting the economy when it’s all over. That said, it will likely take the rest of the year for our Country to return to some sort of economic normalcy.
In the meantime, let’s make the most of this home time and make our health and fitness a priority. Hit some of our Zoom classes, go for a run or long walk daily, reduce refined carbs & sugar, drink lots of water and get good sleep.

CROSSFIT ONLINE COMP BEGINS NEXT WEEK! “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BOX”: This is a pretty cool idea and I hope that most of us are able to participate. Event Format: Over a three-week period, CrossFit will release three classic workouts, each with a scaled option that can be performed with minimal or no equipment by athletes of any ability level. All athletes who participate will have their names displayed on the Open leaderboard during the competition and will be able to create smaller leaderboards among friends, family, and other members of their affiliate by using leaderboard hashtags.
Registration will take place on games.crossfit.com/open beginning on or before Wednesday, March 31, and will remain open for the duration of the competition. The first workout will be released on Friday, April 3.
SIPFIT ZOOM CLASSES: Please join us for our daily SIPFIT classes and invite your friends and family. These classes are a new & unique test of fitness for most of us and a great way to build endurance and bodyweight strength. You are going to be challenged!
- M-F: 12 & 5PM
- Tue: Functional Bodybuilding 6:30PM
- Sat: 9AM
- Sun: 11AM
Click Here For All The Details On Our SIPFIT Classes and how to Zoom and access to the archive. And, all of the SIPFIT workouts are posted on Sugarwod each day. You can participate with the “Minimal Equipment” or “No Equipment” version.
COACH ANDREW’S CHALLENGE – 100 PUSHUPS IN 1 DAY: Coach Andrew’s 2nd SIP Challenge is “Complete 100 Pushups in a single day!”. Do them all at once or, break them up throughout the day. Either way, get to 100 – and make ‘em legit. Be sure to post in our FB Community group when you’re done!
For all the details visit our website or Sugarwod
⚬ Mon: Core Blast + AMRAP20m: OH Carry, Broad jumps & Push up elevations.
⚬ Tue: Modified “Angie”! 100 – DB Snatch, Push Ups, Situps & Squats
⚬ Wed: SB DLs & Pistols then, Metcon – Crab walk, lateral burp SB jumpovers
⚬ Thu: 800m run, then 3rnds -12 SB Squats, 12 SB Lunges, then 800m run
⚬ Fri: Shoulder Strength, then AFAP8M – 1 Strict Situp, 2 Sandbag Pull Across, 2, 3, 4..
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
Chronic Disease – Key to COVID-19 Deaths. I saw this presentation by CrossFit founder, Greg Glassman more than 2 years ago. It is surreal that his prediction is now happening. America and Americans need to do more to cure chronic diseases – which, as Greg says, are “behavior diseases”. We can either change behaviors or “medically babysit” them. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is demonstrating the consequences of an abundance of chronic disease. We are all paying for it.
Atomic Habits – James Clear. I’m re-listening to this book because there is SO much good stuff in it. I’m also redesigning Diablo’s website and I’m keenly interested in why people come to Diablo and stick with it. There are so many gems in this book: “Habits are not a finish line, they are a lifestyle to be lived” and, “Environment is the invisible hand that shapes behavior.” If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it!
Stay busy. Stay healthy. And, make it an awesome week!