“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Nelson Mandela
GOOD NEWS AT LAST! Our Payroll Protection Program Grant application was approved by the SBA on Wed! This is a huge win for Diablo and puts us in a much better position financially to return to normal when the SIP is lifted.
THE PLAN – We have a very good plan in place to ensure a safe and fun experience for our members upon return. We’ll likely make some adjustments as we get closer to a firm date. Read the details here.
INSIDER INFORMATION – My good friend and co-owner of CrossFit Moxie, Micah Duchesne works at Stanford Medical Center and is on several task forces for Covid-19. Micah feels strongly that Gov. Newsom is loosening his position and we may possibly be open in weeks (May?). Check out Micah’s update here.
A TEASE – We’ve moved a few things around, painted a little and organized. Here’s a little tease. Next up, a few more pieces of equipment, some pull up bar adjustments and a few logos.
HILLS & TRACKS & A PARKING LOT – The County and Governor are allowing outdoor activities as long as social distancing requirements are maintained. So, beginning this week, Diablo is hosting limited-attendance park & track workouts and a Diablo Parking lot workout (& hang out!).
- TUE, 6:30AM – Rudgear Park & Hills with Craig
- WED, 7PM – Parking Lot WOD & Hangout at Diablo
- THU, 9AM – Track Workout with Jamie Lee at Alhambra HS
SHANNON GETS ROBBED AGAIN! – Diablo CrossFit Masters Athlete Shannon Aiken qualified for his 3rd CrossFit Games (M55-59), 7th place in the Age Group Online Qualifier. Unfortunately, the CrossFit Games canceled the Masters Games competition and will not be awarding a Champion in 2020.
Shannon already has a 1st Place (2017) and a 2nd Place (2018) at the CrossFit Games and was looking to podium again in 2020. In 2019, Shannon injured his back during the AGOQ (after finishing in 2nd place in the Open) and missed qualifying for the 2019 Games. He says he’s already looking to the October Open for the 2021 Games.
We’ve added morning classes. Join us on Mon & Wed at 6:00AM and Mon & Friday at 9AM.
Here’s what the schedule looks like for the week:
For all the details visit our website or Sugarwod
- Mon: Skill: DUs. Metcon: 4RFT, Speed Skaters, Bearhug Squats, Situps
- Tue: E2MOM x 3 of each, TGUs, Run, Planks
- Wed: Skill: Wall walks & Push Ups. Metcon: AMRAP 9m DLs, HPC, Burp over SB
- Thu: Long metcon: JJack buy in & cash out + 3rnds: Situps, Rows & Snatches
- Fri: Strength work. Metcon: AMRAP7m Zercher Lunges & Tuck Jumps
- Sat: Strength work. Metcon: 3RFT – Run in place jump rope, Alt DB Snatches.
- Sun: E3MOMx6: HSW, DL, Bearhug Squats
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about)
Craig & Stephen Podcast 2.2 – So much changed in the news, we had to reshoot our 2nd podcast!
Moxie Madness Competition – For the month of May, our friends at Moxie have put together this very cool 3 week, at-home fitness competition with some great workouts. It’s free and looks like fun. I’m in! It started on
Rhonda Patrick Does A Deep Dive on Vitamin C – It has been postulated that Vitamin C can help provide resistance to respiratory illness, especially significant given the effect that the Corona Virus has on the lungs. Rhonda Patrick talks about recommended daily dosage, bio-availability and immune system benefits. It’s detailed but damn good.
A 1104lb Deadlift World Record By The Mountain – Hafthor Bjornnson. This happened LIVE at the Rogue Strongman competition. Amazing!
Make it an awesome week!