“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here we g-Open again: Halloween Version. Diablo CrossFit has been selected to host a live Open announcement for 20.4 on Halloween!! Details soon.
10 Year Affiliate Reunion – Yvonne and Coaches Jamie Lee and Andrew were able to attend the CrossFit 10 Year Affiliate Owner Re-union in Whistler, BC last week. The venue was amazing – the wildlife and scenery make it a must-visit destination for everyone. And, the event was even more special. We spent most of our time sharing stories and experiences with other 10-year affiliate owners from around the globe. All of us have survived and thrived and have lots of incredible stories to tell. Here’s what Greg Glassman, Founder & CEO talked about:
- No major announcements – Glassman is in charge with no plans to retire or resign.
- CrossFit website (and daily email) was redesigned on 1.1.19 with a return to traditional CF workout programming and a focus on health, nutrition and underserved populations (seniors & deconditioned)
- CrossFit is trying to bridge the life-cycle gap between “early adopters” and the “early majority” consumers who expect products/services to be proven prior to acceptance.
- CrossFit is committed to fighting State & Federal legislative efforts to regulate fitness & nutrition coaching with significant legal and financial lobbying efforts (the list of filings on our behalf is damn long).
- Greg Glassman is positioning CrossFit as a “cure” for chronic disease. Chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, many cancers, etc) kill 86% of Americans every year, vs.14% combined deaths from microbes, genetic issues, accidents and toxins (poisons).
- Cool data: a very large insurance company compared claims from CrossFitters (red line) vs. non-CrossFitters (blue line).

Diablo’s Online Apparel Store is Live – with shirt designs you won’t find in our Pro-shop. Check it out! Diablo Gear.
Welcome our newest O&A Coach-Interns!
- Harold Hernandez – Herald is finishing up his O&A. He has been Coaching for a few years at Contra Costa CrossFit.
- Leka (Alexia) Fineman – Leka has been coaching at End Game Athletics in Oakland. She is a 3x CrossFit Games athlete in the 50-54 age group!
Sat, Sep 28th, MT TAMALPAIS RUN/HIKE – Diablo Adventure Club
On Saturday, Sep 28th, the Diablo Adventure Club is going to run/hike one of the most beautiful trails in the world – and the Bay Area. Meet in the Diablo parking lot at 7AM. Join the fun!
Sat, Oct 5th: AMAZING GRACE – This year all donations for our Amazing Grace event will go to save the dogs! Every year since 2008, our Diablo community comes together to do the CrossFit “girl” workout “Grace”: 30 Clean & Jerks for time (#135/#95) to benefit a charity. This year, we’re stepping up to help the amazing Northern California Sled Dog Rescue Group, who save the lives of more than 200 sled dog breeds (and mixed) every year! Register: Amazing Grace.
Fri, Oct 11th: THE INTRAMURAL OPEN BEGINS – Friday Night Lights
Check out all the details on our website: Intramural Open – Shirts are coming! Check ‘em out on the website. And, Register for the Open Here!
PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod! Meanwhile check out what’s on the table for October:
October Progressions:
- Primary – Back Squat
- Secondary – Power Clean & Snatch
- Skill – Monostructural Conditioning (& Open recovery!)
Talking Elite Fitness – Whoop: Sean and Tommy sit down with Whoop’s Elite Performance Manager Mike Lombardi. They talk about how the Whoop Strap 3.0 helps athletes at every level optimize their performances. Mike discusses the importance of sleep, recovery and day strain, explains how the data is collected and the impact they have on performance. This is a great sesh.
Harvard Health – The Gut Brain Connection: Pay attention to your gut-brain connection – it may contribute to your anxiety and digestion problems!
Make it an awesome week!