Find Your Butt Clinic

Find Your Butt (and what to do with it when you do) Thursday, March 19th, 6:30P – 8:00P DIABLO SPECIALTY CLINIC TOPIC: Posterior Chain Engagement & Development WHEN: Thu, Mar 19, 6:30P – 8:00P COACHES: Carrie Olson & Andrew Gleason CLASS SIZE: 20 COST: $20 [members] / $48 [non-members] ABOUT: The largest muscle group in our […]
Diablo’s Annual Post-Holiday Celebration 2020

Four years of winners! Levi Beckett (2017), Payam Saljoughian (2015), Ryan Cherryhomes (2018), Michelle Lacy (2012) Post Holiday Party at the Back Forty WHEN: Saturday, January 25th WHERE: Back Forty Texas BBQ in Pleasant Hill (Banquet Room) TIME: 6:30P – 10:00P COST: $35 pp includes dinner. We’re headed to the Back Forty this year! They’ve […]
2019 December Holiday Hours

2019 Diablo Winter Classic

IN-HOUSE OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING COMPETITION Open to Members & Non-Members Saturday, December 7th, 12:00PM – 3:00PM This is Diablo’s CrossFit’s 4th In-House Oly Lifting Meet. It is NOT an officially sanctioned USAW meet. However, this is a great opportunity to try a weightlifting meet – or practice your lifts under the pressure of a time clock and […]
Totally Unofficial Turkey Trot 2019

Diablo’s Totally UnOfficial Turkey Trot 2019 WHEN: Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov 28 – 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM WHERE: Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez (Concord Ave exit on HWY680) WEAR: Layers & trail shoes. It starts cool and warms up. BRING: Family, friends, dogs & water. (We’ll have coffee!) Diablo’s Totally Un-official Turkey Trot has been an […]

TIME RESTRICTED EATING CHALLENGE ABOUT TIME RESTRICTED EATING Time-restricted eating, also referred to as “time-restricted feeding” or, sometimes “intermittent fasting” is a proven method for improving health and brain function while contributing to weight-loss. There is numerous research and data, including a popular documentary, supporting the benefits of time-restricted eating. I’ve listed several resources below. […]
The Week Ahead 11.04.19

“The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.” Rumi Let me start this week with a big “THANK YOU” from me and Yvonne for your support and help with 20.4 Live at Diablo! It was a distraction from our day-to-day fitness, but turned out to be a fun event and quite […]
Buttery Bros at Diablo for 20.4 Heber Cannon and Marston Sawyers capture the behind the scenes action from the best fitness events around the world to the home training gyms of the best elite fitness athletes. These two bros are living their best life and just trying to get in a little wake & cake along the way. This week […]

JOIN US FOR 20.4 LIVE! Diablo CrossFit has been selected to host the 20.4 CrossFit Games Open Announcement on October 31st! So, we’re going to make it a party! Join us to watch the Announcement LIVE! on site. We’ll have drinks, a pre-show entertainment, food truck, and special guests. This is going to be an […]
Why Do The Open?

History of The Open at Diablo The CrossFit Games is a 13 year old competition event to determine the fittest athletes in the world. The 1st stage of the CrossFit Games is the OPEN – an online competition that lasts 5 weeks, with one workout announced each week. Everyone of all abilities are encouraged to […]