Why The CFG Are So Important. Pagano Is On The Team. FBB & Mob Online. Reverse Parkinsons…The Week Ahead 10.26.20
“Our workouts are competitive events. The strength and value of CrossFit lies entirely within our dominance of other athletes. This is a truth divined through competition, not debate” CFG2009 Ranch Banner. 3 REASONS WHY THE CROSSFIT GAMES ARE SO IMPORTANT TO CROSSFIT The original intent of the CrossFit Games was to prove to the world […]
CF Beef. Resin > Wood. Rx+Plus! More Online. Cho’s Bod…..The Week Ahead 10.19.20
The Struggle Is Real… “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison CROSSFIT BEEFS UP AFFILIATE SUPPORT CrossFit has added some fire power to it’s affiliate support team with the addition of Kate Alexander as Director of Affiliate Success and Josh Wiessburg as the General Manager […]
Octoberbust, Diablo United, Teen Strong, Oct Progressions, Foucher’s Bod.. The Week Ahead 10.12.20
“Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.” Sam Ewing DIABLO UNITED – UPDATE One of our promised initiatives this year was to establish a membership scholarship program at Diablo in order to provide opportunities for underprivileged minorities. Coach […]
Coach Sandy! A Little History. Online Is Up. More Is Not Better… The Week Ahead 10.05.20
“People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity no matter how impressive their other talents.” Andrew Carnegie SAY HELLO TO COACH SANDY!! – Most of us know Alessandra Pichelli, the amazing CrossFit Games athlete: 8x CFG Individual Qualifier. Well, she’s also a CrossFit Level 2 Coach and is joining the Diablo […]
100K Again. Obesity & Brain Activity. Fitness Test. TOM Talks.. The Week Ahead 9-28-20
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Edmund Burke SCHEDULE UPDATES Thank you for your patience as we slowly and safely transition back to our traditional class schedule. Class sizes are limited in order to ensure safe-distancing and individual equipment usage. Please reserve classes and […]