Aug Heat. NEAT FTW. Breathwork. UltraFoods & Cancer. Silence. More on AI. TWA 9.04.23

August was hot! “People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” F. Matthias Alexander NEAT TRICK FOR WEIGHT LOSS I’m not usually inclined to talk about “losing weight”. I prefer to talk to people about how to become fit instead. Weight loss or gain are byproducts of the process of becoming […]
Amnap. I Love ACE. 15yo Champ. Y/E Events. 2 Chicks Do Grace. Cardo Bad For Hearts? TWA 8.21.23

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou “TELL ME WHAT YOU’RE TRYING TO DO” – I love Ace Hardware. While searching for a plumbing part for my latest project (installing a water filter in my kitchen), […]
7th. Games Scoop. Live from The Games. Black Swan. Roman is Incredible.

There are a lot of cool & funny shirts at the CrossFit Games, but this was our favorite. Took me a second… “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” Arnold Palmer 7TH PLACE, 7TH CROSSFIT GAMES? Yvonne worked her way back from 9th place on Day one to 7th place on the […]
6th Games. Cheer Coach! August Focus. Born to Run? Athlete Insight. Do What the Amish Do. Medical Journals Dying. TWA 7.31.23

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” Tim Notke 6TH CROSSFIT GAMES .. as a Master, Yvonne has qualified for the CrossFit Games in ’12, ’13, ’17, ’18, ’22, and ’23. She’s passionate about CrossFit and is a passionate competitor. She didn’t play high school or collegiate sports – her parents emigrated to the US and […]
Injured? Don’t Stop. James Bought a CrossFit. Elon. AI. Grips. Starlink. TWA 7.10.23

“Never underestimate the ability of a small group of dedicated people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead INJURED? DON’T STOP “Strong people are harder to kill” – this saying is common in the martial arts & MMA communities, but it applies to life in general. We can […]
Teen: Introductory Weightlifting Clinic

TEEN STRONG: INTRODUCTORY WEIGHTLIFTING CLINIC WHEN: Saturday, July 15, 12:00 – 1:30PM WHERE: Diablo CrossFit -Pleasant Hill COACHES: Carrie Olson, USAW Certified, International Weightlifting Federation World Champion & Record Holder Amy Halprin, USAW Certified, USA Weightlifting Masters National Champion ABOUT: This is an INTRODUCTORY weightlifting clinic for teen athletes who desire to learn the proper […]
Nature Heals. What I learned from Nicole. CF Saves Lives. Tight Skin. Eye Health. Magic. TWA 7.03.23

Yosemite is epic. “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Rumi THE POWER OF NATURE Decided to make a quick run up to Yosemite with my daughter Alana so that she could connect with some of her internet art friends from Florida. Quick […]
Age Spurts. Nicole Carroll! Dale is King. Statin Replacement? Online Shopping. TWA 6.26.23

Very inspirational drop-in today! We were honored to host @sarah.m.perry in class today with Coach @alessandrapichelli ! Sarah is a 2023 @crossfitgames podium finisher in the Adaptive Division for Vision Impaired Athletes. She placed 3rd overall in the world in the Open – the only stage of competition for her division. “My competency is solely determined by my efficacy.” Coach Glassman AGING […]
SemiFinal Recap, Regionals vs Semis, Pay Judges, Best Semis Moment, AIR, Injuries, The Week Ahead 5.29.23

The North America West SemiFinals were an amazing experience for the fans and the athletes. It felt great to have a high level CrossFit competition back in California again! AÑEJO SEMIFINALS RECAP – After a 4 year hiatus from post-Quarterfinals competition, Diablo delivered a team to the CrossFit Games SemiFinals in Pasadena after finishing 34th in […]
Hay is in the Barn. The Games are Good. WTF is ChatGPT Doing? Cold works. About Mal. AND! TWA 5.22.23

The North America West SemiFinals begin on Thursday, May 24th in Pasadena. Diablo Añejo has done the work, and is ready to go. Thank you, Emily Scott, Kristjahn Boyd, Jackson Miller and Beth Stankevich for incredibly hard work and time sacrifice to represent our Diablo Community. We’ll be watching and cheering you on! “The Hay […]