Alessandra Pichelli Analyzes Indy & Age Group QF Workouts

9x CrossFit Games Athlete Alessandra Pichelli gives her coaching advice for the Indy & Age-Group Qrtr Final Workouts.
Coach Maddie: A Proper Review of Quarter Final Workouts

We’ll learn a little bit about our British Coaching import and get her feedback on the CrossFit Games Team Quarter Final Workouts!
BOZ Talks About Quarterfinals!

Boz comes on the podcast at the 30m mark. We talk about Quarterfinal workout considerations, Affiliate constraints, the inclusiveness of the Open vs QFinals and how does CrossFit do all of the video reviews.
How Diablo Built A Successful Teen Program – Coach Corey shares his secrets.

Diablo Teen Coach Corey Mendoza has put together a successful Teen CrossFit program at Diablo. We’ll talk structure, pricing and plans for the future.
Diablo’s Plans for Quartfiinals: 59 Athletes! Yikes.

Craig & Jamie talk about the next steps for the quarterfinals – workout execution, class plans, etc.
Zia, Tim, Craig & Jamie: OG Affiliate Rants – Open Updates – Meeting with the Board

We talk: Happy Lockdown Anniversary, Open News, Drop-Ins Welcome?, Dinner with the Board of Directors.
Athena is BACK! Ozempic Debate with Nutrition Coach Gwen

Athena talks about her 300lb weightloss goal and her awesome coach: Andrew Hiller. She and Coach Gwen talk about the pros & cons of Ozempic & Wegovy: when to use and when NOT to.
Pregnant CrossFit: Strategies for Fitness When Pregnant with Coach Shelby

Coach Shelby trained all throughout her first pregnancy and now, again, in her 2nd! She’ll share the ups, the downs, the scaling and secrets for maintaining your fitness with CrossFit during pregnancy.
Hosting An Open Announcement – 24.1: Zoltan Hites CF Pleasanton

We’ll be talking about the ins & outs and STRESS of hosting The CrossFit Games Open Workout 24.1
Opening A New CrossFit Affiliate – CrossFit MABA Lab

We’re over our 3 weeks of sickness and finally ready to talk to NEW CrossFit affiliate owner Derek Diaz, of MABA CrossFit: “Make America Buff Again”