Week 4: January 22- 28, 2018

Full workout descriptions, coaching notes, scaling guides and modifications for members can be found on Sugarwod. MONDAY 1.22.18 CrossFit Skill: Power Snatch technique Over several sets, build to the Metcon weight requirement or slightly above Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 15-minutes of: 5 Power Snatch #95/135 (M55: #75/115) 10 Box Jumps 20”/24” 15 […]

Week 3: January 15-21, 2018

Full workout descriptions, coaching notes, scaling guides and modifications for members can be found on Sugarwod. MONDAY 1.15.18 CrossFit Metcon: “Tabata Something Else” Pull ups Push ups Sit ups Squats F!T Conditioning: “Tabata Plus” Pull ups Push ups Sit ups Squats Core: 4 rounds 45 sec Jefferson Curl (3-5sec hold at the bottom) 15 sec […]

Week 2: January 8-14, 2018

MONDAY 1.8.18 CrossFit Strength: Push Press: 5 sets @ 10-8-6-4-2 Metcon: complete 3 rounds for time: 10 Power Snatches #75/115 (M55: #55/95) 10 Box Jumps 20”/24“ 500m Row F!T Conditioning: complete 4 rounds starting every 5th minute: 1-minute Plank 16 Single-arm Dumbbell Squat Clean (alt. every 4th rep) 200m Run with Dumbbell 50 Double-unders or […]