Large Body Aware. Bigger Than Climate Change. Squats & BBs. F* Steps. Stop Carb Loading. Brady is a stud. TWA 10.02.23

On Saturday, Diablo was honored to host the “Working with Larger Body Athletes” Coach Training Seminar hosted by the amazing Athena Perez and her awesome Coach Kim. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin OBESITY: YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW   On Saturday, Diablo CrossFit hosted the new training certification seminar for […]

Our DNA. Fall Classic. 321GoMD. Weekend CF Works. 185 Grams. TWA 9.18.23

Coach Amy competed in the USA Weightlifting American Open this weekend taking Silver in the Clean & Jerk – and celebrated her success with Diablo family after! “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”  Vince Lombardi COMMUNITY IS IN OUR DNA – I had a bit of an epiphany this […]

Aug Heat. NEAT FTW. Breathwork. UltraFoods & Cancer. Silence. More on AI. TWA 9.04.23

August was hot! “People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”   F. Matthias Alexander NEAT TRICK FOR WEIGHT LOSS  I’m not usually inclined to talk about “losing weight”. I prefer to talk to people about how to become fit instead. Weight loss or gain are byproducts of the process of becoming […]

7th. Games Scoop. Live from The Games. Black Swan. Roman is Incredible.

There are a lot of cool & funny shirts at the CrossFit Games, but this was our favorite. Took me a second…   “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.”  Arnold Palmer 7TH PLACE, 7TH CROSSFIT GAMES?  Yvonne worked her way back from 9th place on Day one to 7th place on the […]