CrossFit Saves Lives. Priorities. 100kmc Domination. Day Off? Fecal Matter. TWA 12.12.22

Former felon, homeless person, and drug addict Sarah Wilson, recently got her first bar muscle up at CrossFit PSKC.  #crossfitsaveslives  “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth SAVING LIVES If you ask me about CrossFit, I’ll probably talk […]

Cure Chronic Disease. Holiday Bash. Deadlifts in Dec. Starve Cancer. Build Bones. Electric Cars & Math. The Week Ahead 11.27.22.

“Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking.”  James Clear STARVE CANCER. BUILD BONES, END DEPRESSION, IMPROVE MEMORY, ENHANCE IMMUNITY, AND CURE CHRONIC DISEASE… (oh yah, and lose weight & feel better). How? Exercise. Even better: CrossFit. There is an incredible amount of clinical data demonstrating the […]