Kim Hilen TJA Winner. Row For The Open. DL Dec. Holiday Hrs & Inspiration. Tia/Shane Jr. Week Ahead 12.26.22

Congratulations to our 11th Annual Tom Jones Award winner, Kim Hilen. The Tom Jones award is presented in recognition of relentless, enthusiastic and loving support of the Diablo CrossFit Community – in honor of Diablo member, Tom Jones (center) who set the standard for “Diablo Love” in 2011. Kim Hilen’s first visit to Diablo was […]
Goals Suck. 60? NFW. ChatGPT. 12 Days. Goggins is a badass. Let’s Dance! The Week Ahead 12.19.22

“… The rock is you. And, everyday you fight not wanting to get up, and you do anyway – you chip a piece off of the rock. Every day you eat the right foods.. and train harder and harder… you’re chipping another piece off the rock off and before you know it you have this beautiful […]
CrossFit Saves Lives. Priorities. 100kmc Domination. Day Off? Fecal Matter. TWA 12.12.22

Former felon, homeless person, and drug addict Sarah Wilson, recently got her first bar muscle up at CrossFit PSKC. #crossfitsaveslives “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth SAVING LIVES If you ask me about CrossFit, I’ll probably talk […]
Be Elite. Shut Up & Row. Walk. Alcohol = Tobacco? Understand CF. CV Origin. The Week Ahead 12.05.22

A good sized crew of Diablo members brave rainy, cold weather and darkness to complete the 1st ever CrossFit / Spartan Race held at Oracle park in San Francisco! “We fail at the margins of our experience.” Greg Glassman FORGING ELITE FITNESS – Being “elite” at any sport requires dedication, discipline and very hard work. Achieving “elite” status brings […]
Cure Chronic Disease. Holiday Bash. Deadlifts in Dec. Starve Cancer. Build Bones. Electric Cars & Math. The Week Ahead 11.27.22.

“Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking.” James Clear STARVE CANCER. BUILD BONES, END DEPRESSION, IMPROVE MEMORY, ENHANCE IMMUNITY, AND CURE CHRONIC DISEASE… (oh yah, and lose weight & feel better). How? Exercise. Even better: CrossFit. There is an incredible amount of clinical data demonstrating the […]
Identity. CFSpartan. 100KMC. Schedule. 50 Truths. 8 Sleep. AM’rs Win! CFG Rulebook. The Week Ahead 11.20.22

“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE, WHO DO YOU IDENTIFY AS? Leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, and achieving a high level of fitness requires a great deal of self-discipline in order to adhere to healthy habits: proper nutrition, frequent daily movement, and […]
Cold, Dark & Wet. Apparel. Holiday Hours. Run Early. Eating Science. Comedy & Inspiration. The Week Ahead 11.14.22

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” Carl Jung ITS COLD, DARK & WET… GO TO THE FNG GYM! It happens every damn year. The time changes. It gets dark earlier. The weather gets cold. Work & school events are more plentiful. And, our attendance drops. Admittedly, I’m not as motivated to go to […]
Change. Holiday Party. Endurance with Sandy. Heart Attack Risk. Close to Diablo. Stay Hard. The Week Ahead 11.07.22

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” Winston Churchill KAIZEN (CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT) We just remodeled our lobby area.. again. Every 3-4 years we like to update our look & feel and keep things fresh. Over the next few months, Yvonne, Alana and I will be painting, moving things, […]
InnerBitch. The Way. Podcast. Grace&Ruck. Big Pharma + Insurance. Anxiety Cure. BPA Bras! Asteroids. TWA 10.17.22

“What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?” Tony Robbins GO TO THE FNG GYM – I follow @realpapaswolio and @jockowillink and @davidgoggins on Instagram and Twitter because every once in a while I need a little straight-talk motivation to get to the gym, go for my morning run with the dogs or maybe just […]
Virtuosity. GoRuck Yourself. Podcasts Have Peaked. Badass Rack. Walk More, Eat Earlier. TWA 10.10.22

“What will inevitably doom a physical training program and dilute a coach’s efficacy is a lack of commitment to fundamentals.” Greg Glassman, “Fundamentals, Virtuosity, and Mastery” – An Open Letter to CrossFit TrainersCrossFit Journal August 2005 VIRTUOSITY VS INTENSITY It is exciting to be at or near the top of the leaderboard in class, on SugarWod, in a […]