Why The CFG Are So Important. Pagano Is On The Team. FBB & Mob Online. Reverse Parkinsons…The Week Ahead 10.26.20
“Our workouts are competitive events. The strength and value of CrossFit lies entirely within our dominance of other athletes. This is a truth divined through competition, not debate” CFG2009 Ranch Banner. 3 REASONS WHY THE CROSSFIT GAMES ARE SO IMPORTANT TO CROSSFIT The original intent of the CrossFit Games was to prove to the world […]
Crazy Games Weekend. Smash Ends. Online Begins. Build This. The Week Ahead 9.21.20
“The more challenging the domain, the more grit seems to matter.” Angela Duckworth THE GAMES ARE BACK: On Friday & Saturday last week, the top 30 men and women competed in the 1st stage of the CrossFit Games. The competition was online at the athletes’ home gyms. At the end of the competition, the top […]
Indoors-ish, SF busted, Falcon Live, Lifts are back, The Big Dilemma – The Week Ahead 9.14.20
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” Eckhart Tolle OUTDOORS-ISH The terrible fires in California have created a smokey haze in the Bay Area that has affected air quality. Even when the AQI index is safe, floating ash has been a hazard. And, we could see a storm […]
GRIT, Temp Check, Online Classes, Advanced Teens, Row’d Royalty Summer Smash, Tour $$…The Week Ahead 9.07.20
“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner GRIT IS GOOD – On Monday through Wednesday this week, I took my 16yo daughter into the Desolation Wilderness in South Lake Tahoe to unwind and break free from technology. This was her first backpacking trip, so […]
In The News, OG All Day, Herald Went Viral, Teens, Too Sensitive?…The Week Ahead 8.31.20
“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” Elon Musk NEWSWORTHY – Diablo CrossFit made the news on Friday, twice! First, the Channel 2 Zip Trips crew came out to see how gyms are coping during the pandemic. I had a lot I wanted to say, […]
Locusts? Members TY, Custom Coaching, Fasting & Essential Oils..The Week Ahead 8.17.20
“The only way to actually win is to get better each day.” James Clear BRING ON THE LOCUSTS! We’re beating the heat and avoiding the storms. Check the schedule Mon-Wed this week for more morning classes (starting at 5AM!). We’re closing mid-day (12-6) and running a few evening classes. We’ll do our best to make […]
Under the Big Top, Get Ripped, Get Jacked, Games Update, Mass Incarceration. The Week Ahead 8.10.20
“The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” John C. Maxwell WE’RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BOAT! Our pop-up and party tents were not providing enough coverage for classes and they were taking a beating in the wind, so we leveled up – bigtime. C&M Party Rentals came through with two 15’x40’ […]
Don’t Relax! Nutrition w/Jason, More Classes, Diablo United, Affiliate Teams, Alzheimers Test, Gut Check, The Week Ahead 8.03.20
https://youtu.be/WA4dDs0T7sM “You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.” Vernon Howard DON’T RELAX! Positive testing rates are increasing in CCC and California, indicating a “2nd wave” of COVID-19 infections. Our objective is ZERO transmissions of COVID-19 at Diablo.. Obviously, no one should come to the gym if […]
Legit! Tent City. Teen Strong 2.0. Masked. Stop Sugar & Breathe. The Week Ahead 7.27.20
The Week Ahead 7.27.20 “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell APPROVED! FOR OUTDOOR USE: The City of Pleasant Hill granted Diablo a Temporary Use Permit for “Outdoor Fitness Classes.” The process was easier than expected (all via email) and the City acknowledged the financial […]
The Saga of SIP, OG Outdoor CF, Workouts, Good Data ….The Week Ahead 7.20.20
“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” Ralph Waldo Emerson THE SAGA CONTINUES #ADAPTORDIE: On June 30th, the Governor announced a delay for reopenings of many businesses, including gym. Many gyms in Contra Costa County have resorted to outdoor classes in response. Our landlord turned down my […]