TWA 3.11.24

Solomon’s has lost more than 145lbs in his 2 year transformation from sickness to wellness! “Learn to love slow progress. Learn to forgive yourself for the inevitable backsliding. And of course, expect to be uncomfortable along the way.” Steven Kotler IN THIS EMAIL: Solomon’s Story Last FNL! Theme: Extreme Team Colors Puzzle Challenge Mr. Miyagi Wins […]
Life experience. Bowling? Last Habits. MJ Show. New Balls. Sleep. TWA 2.26.24

Here we go again! The 2024 CrossFit Games Open begins Thursday. (Pic: 2023 – Black, Blue, Red) “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”Napoleon Hill IN THIS EMAIL: Create A Life Experience: Join The Open Intramural Open Updates Bowling Team Challenge Last Week Of The Habit Challenge: Walking & Reflecting Workouts Jackson Musical, […]
Longevity elixir. Intramural scoring. End of the Open party. Call A Friend. Scales. Talkin’ like Walken. TWA 2.12.24

We’re finally back! New regular time: Wednesdays at 10AM PT.(3 weeks of sickness kept us all off the air) “There are two wolves and they are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. Which one wins? The one you feed.” Unknown IN THIS EMAIL: Longevity Elixir Intramural Open Scoring […]
Team Success! Hold The Standard. 3 Reasons To Join The Open. Fast! El Molino. New Tech. TWA 1.15.24

DIABLO’S FIRST TEAM APPEARANCES AT WODAPALOOZA! Team NorCal Boyz, Coach Jackson, former Diablo Coach Mike Olivas (CF Kindrid) and Isaac Encinas (CF 916) finished in 16th /40 in the Rx Team Division.Team PRsAllDay: Coach Cole Gravitt, member Sean Reifel and former member Nate McCallion rallied in epic fashion to finish 2nd overall (Podium!!) after starting the event in 23rd […]
Dec WOW. Discipline & Hard Work. Challenge Begins. Man Crush. Big Pharma. Unlock Creativity. Freedom! BoTox. TWA 1.02.24

Kinda sums up the year for us. Well done, Diablo. THE PATH TO HEALTH IS PAVED WITH DISCIPLINE & HARD WORK According to the CDC, 60% of Americans have at least one chronic disease. These include asthma, heart disease, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and more. Chronic diseases are referred to as “lifestyle diseases” – since they […]
Live longer. FBB-IB. ABs4Sale. Jen’s Mindset. Belt Squat & Ring Thing. Deadman Carry. Bailing. Netflix TWA 12.11.23

Our Wednesday Coaches meeting came to a Dead end. #strongertogether “The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying.” John C. Maxwell THE SECRET TO A LONGER LIFE: CROSSFIT?We all know many of the benefits of exercise especially the positive impact on health and overall lifestyle. We feel better and move better and are likely healthier. Now, more […]
2 Things 2 Know. ComicCon. RSVP!! Cool AI! Strength Gains at 80. Drinking & Your Heart. Nature is good. TWA 12.04.23

Two things you might not know about Diablo (see below). “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” Saadi WHAT I LEARNED FROM COMICON: Made my 3rd trek to ComicCon in Los Angeles this weekend. It’s my daughter’s passion. I serve as an escort and observer.. and her “investment manager.” While not my jam, […]
Big Trot! It’s Up To Us. 75 Hard. 13 Months. Any Asshole Workout. 75% is best. Everything Everywhere. TWA 11.27.23

We Gonna Need A Permit: Our 16th Annual “Totally Unofficial Turkey Trot/Ruck” – getting bigger. “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started I was desperately wishing to be where I am now.” Unknown ITS UP TO US: For the first time in our lives, Yvonne and […]
Email Fail. Stronger. Not Special. Turkey Trot! Holiday Hours. Saved on my IG 😆🤯🥺 TWA 11.20.23

The reason for my email delay: our new Elevated Platform. Received several requests from our lifters for a “softer” landing. Added two layers of plywood to reduce wear & tear and.. sound. Started Saturday after classes, finished late Sunday night. Ready for action on Monday AM! “Everybody comes to a point in their life when they […]
28v61. What is Fitness? Dale King is back! Fight depression. Doggos! NYAD. Stents & Burgers. TWA 11.06.23

61 vs. 28: Stay active, eat & drink sensibly, exercise regularly and find someone who shares your passion. “If all you’ve been doing is sitting on the couch and occasionally getting up to go to the kitchen for a Coke, getting up to go for a walk is good for your longterm health, but increases […]