Love. Lift. Squat. Addiction. Subs. The Week Ahead 9.27.21

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.”   Arnold Schwarzenegger LOVE  If nothing else, Diablo has brought some really good people together – for life. I took last week off to spend some time with my family in Tahoe and attend the beautiful wedding of Pete Lemone & Kaitlin Kopp – two former Diablo […]

Protein. Fall Classic. Keto. Fitness v. CV19. D to hold P. The Week Ahead 9.13.21

“The past cannot be cured.”   Elizabeth I MOST OF US NEED MORE PROTEIN Most macronutrient nutrition programs (“Macros”) almost always prescribe more protein intake in order to effectively change body composition. Protein is essential to building muscle which then increases the thermogenic burn rate of calories which leads to fat loss. And, when people eat more protein, […]